- Apr 21 Mon 2014 01:37
托佛勒Wealth 3.0:下一波財富狂潮
- Apr 21 Mon 2014 01:24
Cat jumps on cameraman’s head during news shoot 貓在新聞拍攝期間跳上攝影師的頭
- Apr 21 Mon 2014 01:16
- Apr 21 Mon 2014 01:10
Groundhog Day is a holiday with an interesting story. Legend has it that when a groundhog emerges from its hole on February 2, it can predict whether the winter has ended or will last for six more weeks. If the groundhog doesn't see its shadow, spring will be arriving soon. The star of the celebration is Punxsutawney Phil, a groundhog that lives in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. The small town hosts the largest Groundhog Day celebration in the world, with over 40,000 anxious onlookers in attendance. Phil may be famous, but he is certainly not a genius at weather prediction. He has only been right about 40 percent of the time.
- Apr 18 Fri 2014 19:15
Tillman主投五局,失掉金鶯唯一的1分,是Grady Sizemore的全壘打。
紅襪先發投手Jon Lester表現一樣亮眼,主投 7局飆出8K,卻在7局平手的局面下,因為這支全壘打而吞下敗投。
In their home opener, the Baltimore Orioles took on the Boston Red Sox. Both clubs started their ace in a game that played out as a pitcher’s duel.
Major League Baseball’s opening week continued with the Orioles taking on the Red Sox. The Orioles had confidence in ace Chris Tillman, who recorded 16 wins last year.
Tillman would go five innings, giving up just one run on a Grady Sizemore home run.
Red Sox starter Jon Lester also had a terrific outing, going seven innings and recording eight strikeouts. The score was even at the middle of the seventh before Lester surrendered a home run which would prove to be the decider.
The Orioles won by a score of 2 to 1.