

[[民進黨台北市黨部主委 莊瑞雄]]


[[前副總統 呂秀蓮]]

而呂秀蓮認為, 蔡英文就算挾著高人氣回鍋黨主席,也不代表就能直通2016,年底七合一選舉, 就是蔡英文的一大考驗。

Within the DPP there was a great deal of praise today for Su Tseng-chang’s announcement that he will not seek another term as party chairman. Former Vice President Annette Lu said it shows Su is focused on running for president and said that Tsai Ing-wen should follow his lead if she too has her sights set on the presidency. 

DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang’s announcement led local party leaders and others to visit DPP headquarters to express their appreciation for his work.

Chuang Ruei-hsiung
DPP Taipei City Chapter Chairman
Chairman Su Tseng-chang has spent two years leading the DPP. He has not rested while serving the party and establishing a strong foundation for the DPP to return to power. As a local DPP chapter chairman, I am deeply indebted to him. We give Chairman (Su) our utmost support.

Su’s announcement inspired a great deal of speculation.

Annette Lu 
Former Vice President 
Being good at elections is one thing, but ruling the country is another matter. If you are so busy with elections rather than not knowing or preparing to rule, then this is a loss for all citizens. If Chairman Su Tseng-chang doesn’t run for party chairman, all his energies will be geared towards running for president. I think that he is smart and knows that God only gave each person 24 hours (a day). I think it will take quite a big effort to prepare to lead Taiwan in the next presidential term.

Former Vice President Annette Lu believes that even if Tsai Ing-wen returns to her former post as DPP chairwoman, it won’t mean she will automatically represent the DPP in the 2016 presidential election. Lu says Tsai’s main order of business would be winning the year-end elections.

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學運期間,最大反對黨民進黨遭到邊緣化,日前民進黨立委趙天麟率先發難,要求革除大老政治。 而今天民進黨主席蘇貞昌及前行政院長謝長廷,都先後宣布放棄選黨主席,兩人不約而同,都將團結和化解對立作為退選原因,而民進黨主席蔡英文,則發出聲明肯定蘇謝貢獻,並強調我們必須堅定承擔,言下之意將參選黨主席到底。

肯定與不捨, 是民進黨立院黨團第一時間, 對蘇貞昌表示不選黨主席的反應。

[[立委(民) 柯建銘]]
“今天早上七點十分的時候, 蘇主席打電話給我說,他已經決定(不選) ,這是屬於意料中的意外,每一個戰役,跟黨團完全站在一起,這種政治人物的抉擇,以及風骨 以及承擔,我們予以高度的肯定與不捨”

[[立委(民) 趙天麟]]
“蘇主席今天表達他不再參選連任, 我表示感到敬佩”




In a surprise turn of events, former DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen has emerged as the only candidate in the party’s upcoming chairmanship race. This comes after the withdrawal of two would-contenders, incumbent Chairman Su Tseng-chang and former Premier Frank Hsieh. 

Praise and reluctance to lose Su Tseng-chang as chairman were early responses to Su’s withdrawal from next month’s chairmanship poll.

Ker Chien-ming
DPP Legislator
This morning at 7:10 am, Chairman Su unexpectedly called to tell me he decided (not to run). In every battle, Su stands with the party caucus. We have high praise for this type of decision, character and burden. It is hard to let go of such a politician. 

Chao Tien-lin
DPP Legislator
Chairman Su announced today that he won’t run again. I admire his decision.

Su announcement was made on Facebook. He said that in order for the DPP to return to power, before the year-end elections it could not handle a split. 

After Su came Frank Hsieh. The former premier also used Facebook to say that over the past two days, he has told supporters of the need for reform and of his decision not to register for the party chairmanship race.

Next was former Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen, who praised Su and Hsieh for their contributions. Besides saying that the DPP is in the midst of a major test that requires unity, Tsai pledged to continue her campaign to head the party.

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[[東港區漁會總幹事 林漢丑]]


For the first time ever a boat registered in Donggang, Pingtung caught the first bluefin tuna of the season. For the past 12 years the first bluefin tuna had been caught by boats from Siaoliouciou. 

This boat docked in Donggang attracted lots of attention on Tuesday as it displayed a tuna that could potentially win this fishing competition.

The competition for the first tuna of the year only applies to bluefin tuna pulled in live and weighing at least 180 kilograms. Boats must be registered in Kaohsiung or Pingtung, and the first to return to harbor is judged the winner. An incentive for fishermen is the fact that the first tuna caught typically fetches a very good price at auction.

This fishing boat displays two bluefin tuna. After inspection, one was officially deemed winner of the competition.

Lin Han-chou
Donggang Fishermen’s Association
The heavier fish is male, which means it has more flesh, is more fibrous and has higher quality oil, so we decided to make it the winner.

The winning fish is estimated to weigh more than 300 kilograms and is expected to fetch upwards of NT$1 million. Catching two of these bluefin tunas at once led this fishing boat captain to quickly sail 30 hours back to Donggang. Winning the competition made the extra effort quite worthwhile. 

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Asia’s largest cruise ship made its maiden voyage to Kaohsiung today. Passengers on the Voyager of the Seas spent half a day in the southern port city where they were treated to a show from Taiwan’s famed techno dancing gods. 

The 140,000 ton vessel Voyager of the Seas recently completed its first visit to Kaohsiung.

The ship and passengers were greeted with a performance by the Santaizi dancing gods.

Hong Kong Tourist
I have been to Taiwan many times, but this was the first time on a cruise ship. It was a very new experience. 

The Voyager of the Seas is one of 10 largest cruise ships in the world. It can transport 3,000 passengers and has 15 different decks along with an ice-skating rink, a miniature golf course and other luxury amenities.

Kaohsiung’s Tourism Bureau says the ship will make five visits and will create more than NT$90 million in tourism value for the city.

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[[金鶯隊投手 陳偉殷]] 
“球威可能差異蠻大的,因為前面幾場其實直球只要是被抓到,很明顯就是安打 ,可是今天就算是被抓到了,還是有辦法讓他們打滾地球,雖然說被打得很紮實 ,但是野手這邊也有辦法去接”


In baseball action today, a pair of Taiwanese pitchers shined. The Baltimore Orioles Chen Wei-yin overcame early season struggles to pitch a strong game against the Tampa Bay Rays, while the Milwaukee Brewers Wang Wei-chung pitched the ninth inning against the St. Louis Cardinals for his big league debut. 

From the start of the Orioles-Rays game today, Chen Wei-yin was sharp.

He not only struck out reigning rookie of the year Wil Myers but also showed prowess in the field with this throw to first. Over the first three innings, it was three up and three down for Chen. Equally impressive were Chen’s teammates at the plate. 

The Orioles put six on the board over the first three innings, and Chen only seemed to get stronger as the game progressed.

Chen went 4 1/3 innings without giving up a hit. The Rays finally showed some life, but Chen got out of trouble with a double play.

The only run Chen gave up was off an Evan Longoria RBI single to left.

It was Chen’s best start yet this year. He threw 99 pitches over 6 1/3 innings, giving up five hits and two walks while striking out four. After getting the 7-1 win, Chen said he feels like he has overcome his early season woes. 

Chen Wei-yin
Orioles Pitcher
It just seems like my pitches are more effective. In the previous couple games, when batters made contact with my fastball, they got hits, but today when they made contact, I was able to induce groundballs. Even if the batters made good contact, our defense could make a play.

In other baseball action, making his major league debut today was the Milwaukee Brewers Wang Wei-chung. The Taiwanese left-hander used 13 pitches to complete one inning against the St. Louis Cardinals. He gave up one hit and no runs, and his fastball reached 93 miles per hour. The Brewers lost 4-0, but took away some joy from their rookie’s strong performance.

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