[[民進黨台北市黨部主委 莊瑞雄]]
[[前副總統 呂秀蓮]]
而呂秀蓮認為, 蔡英文就算挾著高人氣回鍋黨主席,也不代表就能直通2016,年底七合一選舉, 就是蔡英文的一大考驗。
Within the DPP there was a great deal of praise today for Su Tseng-chang’s announcement that he will not seek another term as party chairman. Former Vice President Annette Lu said it shows Su is focused on running for president and said that Tsai Ing-wen should follow his lead if she too has her sights set on the presidency.
DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang’s announcement led local party leaders and others to visit DPP headquarters to express their appreciation for his work.
Chuang Ruei-hsiung
DPP Taipei City Chapter Chairman
Chairman Su Tseng-chang has spent two years leading the DPP. He has not rested while serving the party and establishing a strong foundation for the DPP to return to power. As a local DPP chapter chairman, I am deeply indebted to him. We give Chairman (Su) our utmost support.
Su’s announcement inspired a great deal of speculation.
Annette Lu
Former Vice President
Being good at elections is one thing, but ruling the country is another matter. If you are so busy with elections rather than not knowing or preparing to rule, then this is a loss for all citizens. If Chairman Su Tseng-chang doesn’t run for party chairman, all his energies will be geared towards running for president. I think that he is smart and knows that God only gave each person 24 hours (a day). I think it will take quite a big effort to prepare to lead Taiwan in the next presidential term.
Former Vice President Annette Lu believes that even if Tsai Ing-wen returns to her former post as DPP chairwoman, it won’t mean she will automatically represent the DPP in the 2016 presidential election. Lu says Tsai’s main order of business would be winning the year-end elections.