

[[新黨青年軍 王炳忠]]


“我們以為在這裡集合,結果沒有遇到(遊行隊伍) “




[[學生代表 吳崢]]


Another protest in Taipei’s Neihu District today targeted KMT Legislator Alex Tsai. More than a hundred police and Tsai supporters were on hand to defend the lawmaker’s office, but they had little to do as most of the demonstrators were busy spreading their message through the neighborhoods. 

After members of the Free Taiwan Front announced a protest against KMT Legislator Alex Tsai, police went on alert. At the lawmaker’s office they expelled a person who said he’s good friends with Tsai.

Wang Puchen
New Party
I’m here to oppose the way these students surround a lawmaker like this. Their actions are like a kind of black terror.

More than a hundred officers guarded Tsai’s Neihu office. They were joined by close to 100 Tsai supporters. The impressive defense warded off four confused student protesters.

Student Protester
I thought we were meeting here. But we didn’t see the marchers.

Those protesting against Tsai never planned to come to the office. They were only marching in his electoral district.

Student Protester
We call on all residents and voters of Neihu to join our event to expel Tsai from office.

This student protester is a Neihu voter.

Wu Jheng
Student Protester
Legislator Tsai, we don’t need an arrogant representative like you. We don’t need a representative who doesn’t listen to popular opinion like you. We don’t need a representative who is irresponsible like you.

The police who turned out to guard Tsai’s office ended up just expelling the supporters there to defend it.

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Angry demonstrators opposed to CtiTV were met today by a raucous group of CtiTV employees. As the protesters accused CtiTV of biased coverage of protests against the services trade pact Taiwan signed with China, CtiTV accused the protesters of infringing on freedom of the press. 

A line of police was all separated CtiTV workers and student protesters. Those on each side accused the other of trampling on freedom of the press.

CtiTV was prepared for the protesters. More than a hundred workers emerged at 2 pm wearing Wang Wang vests, a reference to their parent company. Students used rhymes to accuse channel 52 of destroying Taiwan. CtiTV accused the Democracy Kuroshio protesters of resorting to dictatorial, black-terror methods.

Outside the CtiTV building were red banners that said “oppose black terror” and “defend freedom of the press.” They were an impressive size but no match for the wind. The latter sign was blown off the wall. 

If you have no need for the “defend freedom of the press” banner then we’ll take it. We think it’s more suited to us.

The noisy protest was made noisier by the more than 20 loudspeakers used by CtiTV employees. An officer covered his ears as the employees managed to outshout the students several times.

While the students sang a battle hymn, CtiTV broadcast its own song. Lyrics included “we are one family.”

Free Taiwan Front staged the protest over what it calls biased reporting by CtiTV of the services trade pact protests. CtiTV is often accused of having a pro-China slant.

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International landmarks go dark for global Earth Hour 今天是國際熄燈日,全球所有地標一起響應,減碳從生活中隨手可做,英倫翻譯跟大家一起做環保

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[[關廠工人 林廷泉]]





[[關廠工人 陳滿庭]]


Workers affected by the labor loan dispute spent nearly two decades fighting to uphold their rights. At issue was whether money provided to them by the government was a loan or compensation. This is their story. 

Today Lin Ting-chuan is 79 years old. He joined Hsing Lee Paper Co. 44 years ago. Within three years of working at the factory, an accident with a roll heat press cost him his fingertips.

Lin Ting-chuan
Ex-Hsing Lee Paper Co. Employee
The company made industrial paper. The (accident) happened because we were using low-quality equipment.

Lin remained at work in order to support his family. He then became a victim of widespread factory closures that struck Taiwan.

Lin stood in unison with other factory employees who lost their jobs. They began a series of demonstrations.

In 1997, the then-Council of Labor Affairs sought to end this controversy by giving what it called a loan to more than a thousand former workers of the factory. The money represented pension and severance payments owed to the workers. Several years later, the council sought repayment, which led to new protests.

In February of last year, some of the former factory workers laid on the train tracks at Taipei Railways Station. In April, they began a nine-day fast in front of the council.

Chen Man-ting
Ex-Hsing Lee Paper Co. Employee
I think the Ma government has been heartless over the past two years. It is incapable of empathizing with the pain felt by the people. Resistance during these two years has been more difficult than the preceding 17 or 18 years.

The dispute has reached a conclusion for some of the workers. But there is no way to repay them for their struggles.

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[[關廠工人義務律師 曾威凱]]


[[行政院長 江宜樺]]
“還沒有興訟之前,就已經償還這一些借貸的勞工,這些金額究竟是不是要一併償還,這件事情,我會請勞動部潘主委(部長) ,他們好好研究一下”


The Ministry of Labor’s decision to respect a ruling that money provided to laborers affected by a plant closure in 1997 does not need to be repaid ends this battle for some. But the ministry has not offered to compensate 480 workers who paid back this money in good faith before the threat of a lawsuit loomed. They now want the same treatment as their former colleagues.

After Taipei High Administrative Court ruled in favor of workers who lost their jobs when their factory closed, the Ministry of Labor withdrew suits against these workers. It will no longer seek repayment of money given to the workers and it promised to refund some workers who already repaid the funds. But problems remain.

The ministry has only said it will repay workers who paid up after lawsuits were launched. Another 480 workers who made earlier repayments are not included.

Tseng Wei-kai
Lawyer Representing Workers
It’s the same situation. You cannot distinguish cases from before (the lawsuit) and cases from after. If the judge rules that this is compensation and not borrowed money, they should be treated equally.

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