
學運期間,最大反對黨民進黨遭到邊緣化,日前民進黨立委趙天麟率先發難,要求革除大老政治。 而今天民進黨主席蘇貞昌及前行政院長謝長廷,都先後宣布放棄選黨主席,兩人不約而同,都將團結和化解對立作為退選原因,而民進黨主席蔡英文,則發出聲明肯定蘇謝貢獻,並強調我們必須堅定承擔,言下之意將參選黨主席到底。

肯定與不捨, 是民進黨立院黨團第一時間, 對蘇貞昌表示不選黨主席的反應。

[[立委(民) 柯建銘]]
“今天早上七點十分的時候, 蘇主席打電話給我說,他已經決定(不選) ,這是屬於意料中的意外,每一個戰役,跟黨團完全站在一起,這種政治人物的抉擇,以及風骨 以及承擔,我們予以高度的肯定與不捨”

[[立委(民) 趙天麟]]
“蘇主席今天表達他不再參選連任, 我表示感到敬佩”




In a surprise turn of events, former DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen has emerged as the only candidate in the party’s upcoming chairmanship race. This comes after the withdrawal of two would-contenders, incumbent Chairman Su Tseng-chang and former Premier Frank Hsieh. 

Praise and reluctance to lose Su Tseng-chang as chairman were early responses to Su’s withdrawal from next month’s chairmanship poll.

Ker Chien-ming
DPP Legislator
This morning at 7:10 am, Chairman Su unexpectedly called to tell me he decided (not to run). In every battle, Su stands with the party caucus. We have high praise for this type of decision, character and burden. It is hard to let go of such a politician. 

Chao Tien-lin
DPP Legislator
Chairman Su announced today that he won’t run again. I admire his decision.

Su announcement was made on Facebook. He said that in order for the DPP to return to power, before the year-end elections it could not handle a split. 

After Su came Frank Hsieh. The former premier also used Facebook to say that over the past two days, he has told supporters of the need for reform and of his decision not to register for the party chairmanship race.

Next was former Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen, who praised Su and Hsieh for their contributions. Besides saying that the DPP is in the midst of a major test that requires unity, Tsai pledged to continue her campaign to head the party.


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