英文第一課裡就學到stand up這個字了吧。然後根深蒂固就一直以為stand只能夠當站, stand這個詞意思很多的,今天我們來看看其中幾個比較常用的表達。熟悉它的第二個、第三個意思,你的英文聽起來就會很自然,不像翻譯式的英文。一起來讀stand這個字的延伸意思。




1. stand-out 才華出眾的人




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英文第一課裡就學到stand up這個字了吧。然後根深蒂固就一直以為stand只能夠當站, stand這個詞意思很多的,今天我們來看看其中幾個比較常用的表達。熟悉它的第二個、第三個意思,你的英文聽起來就會很自然,不像翻譯式的英文。一起來讀stand這個字的延伸意思。




1. stand-out 才華出眾的人




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They were able to turn off the urge in mice while leaving the animals’ other senses, such as touch and temperature, intact.


It is hoped that a deeper understanding of itching could eventually lead to therapies for patients with chronic itch.


The study was published in the journal Science.


The team at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, part of the US National Institutes of Health, bred mice that were unable to produce a chemical called Nppb. It is a small signalling chemical that allows brain cells to communicate with each other.


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A four-year-old boy has stunned psychologists—after intelligence tests revealed him to have the same IQ as Einstein.


Sherwyn Sarabi has tested off the scale for intelligence—scoring an IQ of 160—the highest mark on the test.


It’s the same score that experts believe scientist Einstein had, as well as being identical to that of Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking.


Sherwyn from Barnsley, Yorks, started school two years early and became a member of Mensa at the age of three.


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英語的俚語或成語是日積月累,它們看起來很簡單,用順了就透露出我們對語言的熟稔和掌握度。每天記一個,一年也能記 365 個。

  • At odds, 意見分歧、不和。

Odds 的意思有很多,大家最熟的是「奇數」、「可能性」,可以衍申為不和或意見分歧。常見片語是 At odds ,意思即為 "in disagreement with" 。

*She is at odds with her boss. 他與老闆意見不合。
*This action is greatly at odds with his previous attitude. 這個舉動與他先前行為大相逕庭。 

  • call someone on the carpet 訓斥某人;譴責某人

call 意指傳喚, carpet 意指地毯; to call someone to the carpet 是指把某人傳到地毯上,據說在 1800 年期間,一些英國的傭人,如果被主人叫到房間,就是被主人教訓。因為房間多半有地毯,故有這種說法。

*You must be very careful to do your work well, or you will be called on the carpet for our boss is very strict with us. 你得非常認真地做好你的工作,否則你會受到訓斥。因為我們的老闆對我們要求非常嚴格。

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