The whole world celebrated with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as they brought their first child into this world at 4:24 in the afternoon London time on July 22, 2013. The proud parents, Prince William and Kate Middleton, have named the future King of England George Alexander Louis. Officially known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge, the baby is third in line for the British throne, after his grandfather Prince Charles and his own father Prince William. The Duchess of Cambridge was admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital, where Prince William himself was born in 1982, in the early morning hours. Thousands of people had even gathered at the gates of Buckingham Palace to await the official announcement from the Royal Family.

2013年七月二十二日下午四點二十四分,全世界與劍橋公爵及公爵夫人一起慶祝他們第一個出世的小孩。這對驕傲的父母親,也就是威廉王子與凱特.密道頓,將英國未來的國王命名為喬治.亞歷山大.路易斯。這個寶寶正式名為皇室劍橋喬治王子殿下,是英國王位的第三順位繼承人,排名在他的爺爺查爾斯王子和父親威廉王子之後。劍橋公爵夫人一早就被送往聖瑪莉醫院,這也是威廉王子於 1982 年出生的醫院。甚至有數千人聚在白金漢宮的大門等候皇室家族的正式宣告。 



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Jennifer never thought she would meet her biological mother. She was born in Taiwan but adopted by a couple from the US when she was a baby. She grew up happily there because her adoptive parents treated her very well. However, Jennifer always wanted to know more about her biological mother.
On her 18th birthday, Jennifer decided she would travel to Taiwan to look for her biological mother. The only clue Jennifer had about her was an with her name and an old address on it. When she arrived in Taiwan, she contacted the local police for help. The police went to the address, but the woman had moved. Luckily, the neighbors had information about her whereabouts. With their help, Jennifer eventually found her biological mother and got a lot of her burning questions answered.




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Almost everyone on Earth knows that people don’t float into outer space thanks to gravity. People, animals, and objects are pulled and fall to the ground due to gravity. Planets, moons, and stars are kept together because they have more gravity.
Man-made satellites and spacecraft also stay in orbit due to Earth’s gravitational pull. Astronauts like Commander Matt Kowalsky and medical engineer Dr. Ryan Stone depend on this fact during their mission in space. For Kowalsky, this is his last flight before retiring, while it is the first space mission for Dr. Stone. The two of them leave the safety of their craft for a routine spacewalk when disaster strikes. Space debris crashes into and destroys their space shuttle, so they are left stranded in space with a limited amount of oxygen in their spacesuits. To see what they do to survive, don’t miss Gravity in theaters.




◎thanks to...  歸功於/幸虧……
Thanks to Zoe’s help, the surprise party was a huge success.
◎retire (vi.) 退休,退役
Our manager announced that he will retire at the end of the year.
◎limited (a.) 有限的

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About four


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