A wealthy, 84-year-old businessman married a 25-year-old fashion model. They were having a wonderful honeymoon in Switzerland when the old man suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital.
With his young wife at his side, the old man said, “Sweetheart, your future has been taken care of regardless of what happens to me. You will have an income of US$250,000 a year, my home in Palm Springs, my ranch in Texas, and my Mercedes. You’ll never need to worry about money.”
“Oh, sweetheart, please don’t talk that way,” his young wife cried. “You’ve already been so thoughtful, kind, and generous to me. There must be something I can do to help. Honey, please tell me what I can do for you?” The old man breathlessly answered, “Well, you can get off my oxygen tube for starters.”

「哦,親愛的,請別這麼說,」他年輕的妻子哭著道。「你一直是那麼貼心、心腸好又對我如此慷慨。一定有什麼事是我可以幫你的。親愛的,請告訴我,我能為你做些什麼呢? 」老人氣喘吁吁地說,「嗯,首先妳可以不要壓著我的氧氣管。」 




suffer  vt. 遭受 & vi. 受苦
Tim asked for medicine because

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(1)Beside the point
We are now discussing the sales plan, so your question about cost reduction is beside the point.

(2)A case in point: 

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1.rabbit n. 兔子
2.scratching post n. 貓抓柱
3.grooming noose n. 寵物繩套/活扣
4.pet dryer n. 寵物烘乾器
5.grooming table n. 梳理台
6.pet groomer n. 寵物美容師
7.poodle n. 貴賓狗
8.dog house n. 狗屋
9.bird cage n. 鳥籠
10.bird seed n. 鳥飼料
11.pet bed n. 寵物床
12.catnip n. 貓薄荷
13.cat food n. 貓食
14.dog food n. 狗食
15.pet carrier n. 寵物提籠
16.litter box n. 貓砂盆
17.pet bowl n. 寵物碗
18.dog muzzle  n. 狗嘴套
19.pet treat n. 寵物點心
20.pet clothing n. 寵物衣服
21.leash n. (牽狗的)繩子
22.collar n. 項圈
23.pet toy n. 寵物玩具
24.cat litter n. 貓砂
25.grooming brush n. 美容刷子
26.grooming shears n. 美容剪刀


文章出處: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/


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“Not a day goes by when someone doesn’t tell me that they saw my pictures posted on Match.com or another web site,” says Yuliana Avalos, a Florida mom and part-time model who never actually signed up for the site.


The popular dating site is engaging in “one of the biggest conspiracies ever executed on the Internet,” the class-action Manhattan Federal Court suit says.


“Thousands” of others, including celebrities, soldiers and adult actresses, have had their pictures plucked from Facebook and other sites and used for bogus profiles as well – even though they ’’are not and never were”members of Match’s dating sites, the suit says.


Inflating the number of profiles on Match and its other 25 dating sites is good for their business.


The suit also says the company could easily crack down on the numerous bogus profiles by using facial recognition software, but chooses not to.

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Marvel 漫畫系列的電影總能刮起一陣旋風。
學生看到了這部片名,問了我們:《美國隊長》為什麼不是American Captain,而是 Captain America?

太執著於中文的詞序,說成 American Captain 「美國的隊長」,這個頭銜就淡掉了,感覺這部片的主角似乎很平庸。

中、英文說「頭銜」,詞序是相反的。像張先生,英文說Mr. Chang,中文習慣把頭銜放在後面,英文則習慣把頭銜先亮出來。Captain America,是兩個名詞的並置:這個人是隊長,而且還代表了美國精神。


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