

[[故宮博物院長 馮明珠]]
“我們一共選出了231組件 這是經過三個博物館的策展同仁 大家努力研究出來的 我們這一次的赴日展裡面的內容 可以說是非常精彩 包括書畫.書法.繪畫.銅器.瓷器.玉器”


[[故宮博物院長 馮明珠]]
“會有一個白玉標本 一個筆筒 筆筒上面刻了白菜草叢 整個陳列室形成了一個蔬果花園”


The National Palace Museum will lend two of its most popular items, a piece of jadeite resembling white cabbage and a piece of banded jasper resembling pork for exhibitions in Japan. 

National Palace Museum’s “Jadeite Cabbage with Insects” is renowned for its beauty. It’s very popular with the Japanese, and after many years of consultation, it along with “Banded Jasper Resembling a Slab of Meat” will go on display in Japan beginning this summer. 

Feng Ming-chu
National Palace Museum Director
We have a total of 231 pieces which will be shown through cooperation between three museums. Everyone has worked hard to prepare the contents of this exciting exhibition, which includes paintings, calligraphy, copperware, porcelain and jade implements.

“Jadeite Cabbage with Insects” will go on display on June 17 at the Tokyo National Museum. Later, the “Banded Jasper Resembling a Slab of Meat” will go on display at the Kyushu National Museum on Sept. 30. Both pieces will be displayed for just two weeks and are to be shown in their original display case.

Feng Ming-chu
National Palace Museum Director
There will be a white jade specimen and a pen holder carved in a shape similar to the white cabbage with grass. The whole set will resemble a garden.

Japan’s government cleared way for the exhibition by passing legislation ensuring the safe return of these artifacts in the event of possible judicial intervention. The objects are claimed by China.

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[[馬來西亞總理 納吉]] 






Malaysian Airline officials held a press conference this afternoon announcing there were “no survivors” aboard Flight MH370. A day earlier the Malaysian prime minister said analysis of satellite data showed that the missing airliner had gone down into the Indian Ocean. 

Last evening, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak led a press conference where he announced the sad news to friends and family of those aboard the missing jet.

Najib Razak
Malaysian Prime Minister
According to this new data, Flight MH370 ended in the Southern Indian Ocean.

Flight MH370 was traveling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing when it went off radar on March 8. It has been missing for 18 days. The search for passengers involved 26 different countries and included lots of speculation.

This afternoon, Malaysian Airlines also held a press conference at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. 

Ahmad Jauhari Yahya
Malaysian Airlines CEO
There are no words that can ease their pain. Everyone in Malaysia Airlines currently is praying for the 239 souls on Flight MH370 and for their loved ones on this dark day.

Aside from expressing their condolences to friends and family of the missing passengers, the Malaysian Airlines CEO said MH370 was lost and there were no survivors, though he declined to give an explanation for why the plane went down.

Unwilling to accept the statement by the Malaysian government, more than 100 Chinese relatives of those aboard the flight protested in front of the Malaysian embassy in Beijing. They called upon the Malaysian government to explain why the jet crashed into the ocean. 

The Malaysian embassy sent a spokesperson to meet with family members but no direct answers were given, further infuriating the crowd. 

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[[中研院副研究員 黃國昌]]


Front-page advertisements explaining students’ reasons for opposing the cross-strait trade-in-services pact were seen in the Apple Daily and Liberty Times today. Funding for the ads and a future one to appear in the New York Times international edition was crowdsourced a day earlier within a period of just three hours. 

The front cover of this newspaper includes a half-page advertisement asking: “Why are they here?” The ad admonishes the cross-strait trade-in-services pact for having been negotiated in a non-transparent manner. In the upper right corner, it says that the message was paid for through the support of nearly 3,500 citizens.

Student Protester
I’m deeply moved. It’s the first time the true voice of the people has been published. I think it does a better job than many media outlets of conveying the true face of this student movement.

On Monday morning, just after nine o’clock, 11 netizens launched a crowdsourcing campaign to gather funds to buy front-page advertisements.

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[[清大研究生 魏揚]]


The student protester named by police as the ringleader of Sunday evening’s storming of the Executive Yuan was released early this morning. The Taipei District Court ruled there was not sufficient evidence to detain Dennis Wei for allegedly inciting the occupation of the government’s chief decision-making body. 

Students from National Tsing Hua University held signs outside the court to greet their classmate Dennis Wei.

During the student-led storming and occupation of the Executive Yuan on Sunday, police pegged Wei as the organizer and ringleader. They arrested him, accused him of six crimes and requested his detention, citing possible collusion. The court, however, rejected this request, and released Wei without bail. This is what he had to say:

Dennis Wei
Student Protester
I don’t know who the initiator is. When people reached the location, the first thing they did was check in on their phones to tell people where they were and to urge others to come provide support. Prosecutors were relying solely on one photograph to accuse me of assembling this crowd. There were thousands of people there. Could you say that all of them were assembling the crowd and acting as ringleaders? I think the charges prosecutors hope to bring are highly political. They consider students storming and occupying the Executive Yuan a challenge to the government’s prestige, so they feel they must use the judiciary. They want to punish me so others fall into line.

Wei says he only called for those willing to participate to join in the demonstration at the Executive Yuan and that he did not incite the storming of the building. For now, he plans to stay away from the ongoing demonstrations at the Legislature so his family doesn’t have to worry.

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[[工商協進會副理事長 張安平]]


[[台大經濟系教授 林向愷]]


Drowned out in the protests over the cross-strait trade-in-services pact are the voices of industry representatives, many of whom support the more open trade that the pact would bring. Among them is an industrial representative who said the benefits of an open economy outweigh the damage the pact would cause to its losers. 

An official from the Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce spoke out against the ongoing student-led protests at the Legislature. His organization, which is actually Taiwanese, is in favor of the cross-strait trade-in-services pact.

Nelson Chang
CNAIC Deputy Director-General
You cannot keep the entire economic system closed just because a few industries will be hurt. If we don’t open up, we can’t be a part of the world trade system. We’ll face a gap with competitors.

An economics professor at National Taiwan University disagreed with this view.

Kenneth Lin
NTU Professor
I think that these enterprises are vouching for how the trade-in-services pact will benefit everyone at the behest of the government. In actuality, they are only looking out for their own interests.

Besides the protesting students, industry and academia have their own views on the trade-in-services pact. There is a little hope of reaching a solution that satisfies all parties.

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