


[[好萊塢演員 勞伯史奈德]] 


On his sixth visit to Taiwan, Hollywood actor Rob Schneider accepted an award for his contributions to local tourism. Schneider expressed his love for the people of the island and the many things there are to do here. 

Actor Rob Schneider again showed the warmth that makes him beloved by fans. He was here to accept a special award.

The award was given to Schneider as part of a tourism festival activity. Schneider had this to say about Taiwan:

Rob Schneider
Hollywood Actor
I love the people here. The people have a great sense of humor. They love their country. They have great food; the most amazing food in the world is here. I like the culture, and they’ve been very warm to me. And I like to go around. It’s 24 hours – you go to the night markets and I enjoy it. Hopefully we’ll be able to make a movie here and show people all over the world. We’re going to figure out…it’s got to be a comedy, but maybe fun and an adventure. And I have a TV show where we talk about Taiwan in my new TV show.

Last year Taiwan surpassed 8 million tourist arrivals for the first time. The Tourism Bureau hopes 2014 can be another record-setting year.

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開發金昨晚才宣布,以股權轉換方式,併購萬泰銀, 萬泰銀今天的股價,跌幅達4%,反觀開發金則維持平穩,開盤後一路上揚,漲幅達1.6%,合理反映出併購行情。

[[萬泰銀總經理 張立荃]]


[[開發金總經理 楊文鈞]]


Today was the first day of trading after Taiwan’s China Development Financial announced it will buy Cosmos Bank at a discount from Monday’s closing price. China Development Financial closed up over one-and-a-half percent, compared to a half a percent gain on the Taiex, while Cosmos Bank closed down. 

China Development Financial announced yesterday that it would acquire Cosmos Bank through a share transfer. Today, shares of Cosmos Bank fell by over 4 percent while those of China Development Financial rose by over one-and-a-half percent. 

Richard Chang
Cosmos Bank President
Originally, Cosmos Bank faced a development bottleneck and capital limitations. I believe that this merger will lead to abundant capital and allow for excellent development of the commercial bank.

The merger can be completed as early as July, pending approval. Also present was Paul Yang, the president of China Development Financial. He welcomed the staff of Cosmos Bank and made a promise to its 1,600 employees.

Paul Yang
China Development Financial Pres.
Staff will have a guarantee period of one year. There isn’t much overlap between the two companies, so we really need Cosmos Bank workers to remain in their positions and continue working. 

Cosmos Bank was in the red before China Development Financial first bought a stake in it. In 2012, Cosmos Bank finally began to turn a profit, and now hopes that this latest deal will lead to an even better future.

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[[國台辦主任 張志軍]]


[[陸委會主委 王郁琦]]


[[國台辦主任 張志軍]]


The top officials responsible for cross-Taiwan Strait relations were in Nanjing today for a meeting that Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council minister described as “a day worth noting.” It was the first time that an incumbent MAC minister visited China. 

Wang Yu-chi, Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council minister, met his Chinese counterpart, Zhang Zhijun, today. It was their second meeting, following a brief visit on the sidelines of an APEC meeting last year. Today they were officially seated at the negotiating table.

Zhang Zhijun 
Taiwan Affairs Office Director
This is the second time I have met Minister Yu-chi. We hope that from today onward, we can continue to have frequent interactions and become good friends.

After Zhang omitted part of Wang Yu-chi’s official title, namely the organization he represents, Wang stepped forward to speak about the matter.

Wang Yu-chi 
MAC Minister 
One day the Mainland Affairs Council minister and the Taiwan Affairs Office director will be able to shake hands and talk, addressing each other by their official title.

Zhang used language favored among those who advocate unification.

Zhang Zhijun
Taiwan Affairs Office Director
I believe that as long as the two sides continue on the correct path of peaceful development, they will be able to move closer together. We are one family. Our closeness makes interaction a necessity.

There was no comment from Wang on this statement. But Wang did invite Zhang to visit Taiwan someday.

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Strong Performance

Toward the end of last year Taiwanese pitcher Wang Wei-chung ended up on people’s radars when he jumped from rookie ball directly to the major leagues. Today the 21-year-old lefty proved himself on the field during an intrasquad game. Wang threw 21 pitches over one inning. He didn’t give up any hits and struck out two, including former National League MVP Ryan Braun.

Yani Moves Up

Following her steep fall from the top, Taiwanese golfer Yani Tseng has begun to turn things around. Her fifth place finish at the Honda LPGA Thailand last week bumped her up from 45th to 39th in the world rankings. Tseng is training in Singapore ahead of the start of the HSBC Women’s Champions on Thursday.

Rockets Dump Kings

Jeremy Lin and the Houston Rockets faced the Sacramento Kings in a game that seemed over shortly after it began. James Harden poured in 43 points, second best of his career, while the Taiwanese-American Lin scored 11. It was a middling performance for Lin after a recent cold streak. The Rockets won 129-103.

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New research suggests that the use of acetaminophen by pregnant women may raise the risk of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. 

Expectant mothers have long been told that painkillers such as Tylenol are safe. But this study, which tracked 64,000 Danish women and their children, has thrown that perception into doubt.

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