Until she introduced "magic cheese" to her sick and aging bulldog, Laura Bugni-Daniel watched him suffer for two years. He’d spend his days lying down or throwing up.


Today, at age 12, he plays like a puppy through the day, his fur is soft and he sleeps at night, soothed not by magic, but by the dose of marijuana in that cheese.


Bugni-Daniel is part of a growing movement to give medical marijuana to pets in pain. Many urge caution until there’s better science behind it. But stories abound about changes in sick and dying pets after they’ve been given cannabis — even though it isn’t a proven pain killer for man or mutt, and it’s an illicit drug under federal law despite being legal for people in 19 states and the District of Columbia.


Leading the charge is Los Angeles veterinarian Doug Kramer, 36, known as the "Vet Guru," who felt it was his duty to speak out.


"I grew tired of euthanizing pets when I wasn’t doing everything I could to make their lives better," he said. "I felt like I was letting them down."(AP)


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Taking a picture to help you remember something might end up having the opposite effect, according to research published in the United States.


A study released this week showed that people who took photographs of items during a museum tour were less likely to remember details than those who merely looked at the objects.


That is a lesson for a world growing accustomed to instant photo-sharing on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, said psychological scientist Linda Henkel of Fairfield University.


"People so often whip out their cameras almost mindlessly to capture a moment, to the point that they are missing what is happening right in front of them," said Henkel.



end up:片語,落得…下場。例句:She’ll end up penniless if she carries on spending like that.(如果她繼續像這樣花錢,最後會身無分文。)

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[[台南市長 賴清德]]


[[台南市消防局長 李明?]]

[[台南市長 賴清德]]


The Yanshsui Beehive Fireworks Festival takes place on Thursday and Friday. Hundreds of thousands of fireworks will be launched at visitors, making this a celebration unlike any other in the world. 

Over 10,000 fireworks are packed into this Santaize-themed firework fortress. Another main attraction is a 12-meter-high God of War riding a horse, which is outfitted with 400,000 fireworks along with LED lights and sound to impress the audience.

William Lai
Tainan Mayor
The firing of these beehive fireworks combines tradition and technology for something very special.

The safest way to protect oneself at the fireworks fest is by wearing a full-face motorcycle helmet along with a thick cotton jacket, gloves and other equipment.

Lee Ming-feng
Tainan Fire Chief
It’s important to protect the neck and throat, which is a particularly vulnerable area.

William Lai
Tainan Mayor
Your safety is guaranteed if the clothing you wear meets the recommendation of organizers.

This year there will be about 200 fireworks fortresses, guaranteeing a fun time for all.

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[[高雄市觀光局長 許傳盛]]


[[造船廠董事長 韓碧祥]]


Lantern Festival is this Friday. Among the most anticipated events is an evening parade in Kaohsiung that will feature favorite fictional characters. 

Bumblebee and Optimus Prime from the Transformers…

…the Handsome Monkey King from the Chinese classic “Journey to the West”…

…and face changing, an astonishing device of Sichuan opera.

These characters will take part in a parade this Friday. The event is being held as part of the Kaohsiung Lantern Festival. 

Hsu Chuan-sheng
Kaohsiung Tourism Bureau Chief
We have over 10 parade vehicles and dozens of performance groups. We will also hand out 20,000 small lanterns.

The parade will also include an exact replica of the raft featured in the Ang Lee film “The Life of Pi.” It was made by the same company which created the original boat.

Han Pi-hsiang
Shipbuilding Executive
The boat is part of the background. There will be a tiger, the young boy and many flying fish. 

The parade begins at 7 pm Friday in the Wufu shopping area. 

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這波寒流,讓許多高山陸續降雪。清晨的大屯山頂, 一片霧茫茫,氣溫逼近零度,一聽說隨時可能下雪,一批又一批民眾陸續上山等雪。

“看霜 ,那邊結霜了, 好漂亮, 我差不多30年前有來,那時候結很厚”


[[氣象局簡任技正 伍婉華]]


Nine locations around Taiwan recorded their lowest temperatures of the season today, including Keelung and Taipei, while in Hsinchu the mercury fell to just 6.9 degrees. Forecasters predict the weather will remain wet and cold throughout the rest of the week. 

As elementary school students returned to class today, cold and wet weather blanketed much of Taiwan. Parents bundled their children tightly in layers of clothing.

This wave of cold led to snowfall in many of Taiwan’s high mountain areas. Mt. Datun saw thick mist and fog with temperatures approaching zero. Many hikers were present.

“Look over there and see the frost. It’s so beautiful. When I came about 30 years ago it was thicker.”

From Monday, Yushan saw its biggest snowfall accumulation this winter, as snow reached as deep as 12 centimeters. Hehuanshan and Taipingshan also saw snowfall. Abundant moisture even made conditions right for snow in Yangmingshan and Taoyuan’s Fushing Township. 

Wu Wan-hua
CWB Forecaster
This week there has been a lot of moisture in areas surrounding Taiwan along with a cloud system and rain from southern China over the past two days. This had made conditions right for rainfall across the island.

The Central Weather Bureau predicts the cold, wet weather will linger through the weekend.

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