

[[反服貿學運代表 林飛帆]]


[[反服貿學運代表 陳為廷]]


President Ma Ying-jeou and the students occupying the Legislature both say they are willing to meet each other without any preconditions. Such a meeting could prove to be a significant step toward ending what is already an eight-day standoff over a trade-in-services pact that Taiwan signed with China. 

Student leaders of the protest movement seemed optimistic after President Ma said he was willing to meet with them without any preconditions.

Lin Fei-fan
Student Leader
We welcome dialogue with President Ma and are willing to proceed without any preconditions. But there are two topics that we hope to have substantial discussion on. First, whether a legal mechanism is needed for monitoring of cross-strait agreements. Second, whether this mechanism should be completed before review of the cross-strait trade-in-services pact can begin. We don’t want to go to the Presidential Office and hear President Ma repeat the same things he has said before.

Another student leader elaborated on who should take part and where the dialogue should be held.

Chen Wei-ting
Student Leader
Participants should include members of the civic organizations and students who first called for this 120-hour defense of Taiwan democracy. I really hope that our group can hear these representatives hear this discussion with the president on Ketagalan Boulevard.

There is hope that this breakthrough could pave the way to an end of the standoff.

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  1. 1.          我每天唸20分鐘英文,唸滿整整一年。
  2. 2.          今年之內,決定為自己交一個外國朋友。
  3. 3.          年底之前,完成一趟說英語的海外旅行。
  4. 4.          選擇一本英文刊物,作為我的世界之窗。
  5. 5.          加入或組織一個英語家庭,每週至少用一次英語思維。
  6. 6.          用英文紀錄我的2010,記錄我的世界公民歷程。
  7. 7.          傳播英語生活公約給我認識的每一個朋友,邀請他們成為世界公民。





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行銷管理界有一個很有意思的故事,叫做Catfish Effect: 「鯰魚效應」。古挪威人在捕魚上有個煩惱,就是每次遠洋歸來的時候,捕獲的沙丁魚都死了,賣不了好價錢。後來他們想出一個好辦法,在船裡的魚池放了一條鯰魚,問題就迎刃而解。沙丁魚不但不死,而且比剛撈起來的時候更鮮猛。道理很簡單,之前沙丁魚死掉的原因是擠在一起,在池內沒有太多的活動,死得很快。鯰魚是沙丁魚的天敵,魚池裡放進了一條鯰魚,那麼所有的沙丁魚為了保命只能不停拼命的游,就保持了自己的活力。


The catfish effect is the effect that a strong competitor has in causing the weak to better themselves. In Norway, live sardines are a few times more expensive than frozen ones. It was said that only one ship could bring live Sardine home, and the ship master kept his method a secret. When he later died, people found that there was one catfish in the container. The catfish keeps swimming and the sardine becomes very active to avoid direct contact with this Catfish. 

In human resource management, this is a method used to motivate a team so that each member feels a strong competition, thus keeping up the competitiveness of the whole team. 

Catfish effect 
用在英文學習上,也行得通。想一想,在你學習的過程中,誰是那隻能讓你英文起死回生「鯰魚」?認識一個老外朋友嗎?換到一個上班必須要說英文的公司嗎?上英文課嗎?出國留學、遊學嗎……發揮你的想像力,把這隻鯰魚找出來,你的英文就活了過來!還找不到鯰魚,就把每天熟悉到會用英文解釋一個term ,大聲說出來,就對了!

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很多人起初和老外接觸時,都覺得煩不勝煩,因為要不斷地重覆回答大同小異問題(How are you/ How’s the weather/ the traffic….)。其實老美就是用這種枯燥的方式打開社交的第一步,這種看似無意義的寒暄在英語裡叫small talk。寒暄對象中有些樂意與你多聊幾句,也有敷衍的。學會從對方的回答中看出他/她的友善程度,可以多交朋友,又不會自討沒趣:


How are you?
A: Ok.

Q: How are you doing?

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A call by Nasa for donations of urine so it can create the perfect space lavatory has been leaked, resulting in a flood of offers.



The US space programme said it was seeking urine from workers at the Johnson Space Centre in Houston, Texas, as part of its work on the new Orion space capsule.



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