[[嘉義市長參選人(民) 涂醒哲]]
[[台南大學校長 黃秀霜]]
More nominations are emerging ahead of the year-end local elections. The DPP has confirmed that it will run former Health Minister Twu Shiing-jer again in Chiayi City. This time, he stands to benefit from a split pan blue vote. The KMT meanwhile looks likely to turn to an academic to face the popular incumbent William Lai in Tainan.
DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang announced that former Health Minister Twu Shiing-jer will attempt to help the party win Chiayi City, the only region of southern Taiwan with pan blue leadership.
In the last Chiayi City election, Twu lost by 8,000 votes to Huang Ming-hui.
Twu’s chances are better this year due to a split in the pan blue camp. The KMT nominated former National Youth Commission Minister Chen Yi-chen. This led former National Assembly representative Hsiao Shu-li to leave the party in order to run as an independent.
Twu Shiing-jer
Chiayi City DPP Mayoral Candidate
This will still be a difficult battle due to the unfairness of the KMT’s party assets and the party’s many schemes.
In Tainan, the KMT has recruited National University of Tainan President Huang Shiu-shuang.
Her challenge is stiff: the popular incumbent Mayor William Lai.
Huang Shiu-shuang
NUTN President
There’s a saying: if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
The Tainan KMT branch has sent its recommendation of Huang to party headquarters. As early as tomorrow, the party’s Central Standing Committee could confirm her nomination. Then, this political novice would be put up against one of the DPP’s stars.