

Six major grocers have introduced special sections featuring low-priced food products. 

The Cabinet’s Consumer Protection Committee encouraged the grocers to add the sections due to the rising costs of goods. Meats and other staples are available at discounted prices

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[[台北市文化局專員 吳俊銘]]
“最主要 是我們的開放空間 ,要開放, 讓市民能夠更接近這塊園區, 然後取得共識”


[[房仲業者 施光明]]
“目前政府的規劃,是朝向以主軸文創產業,為基準點,未來也可能是商業中心 ,空總這塊地,他帶動整個商圈的效果 ,相當明顯”


The Taipei City government is planning a series of special exhibitions to take place at the former Air Force General Command on Renai Road. It hopes to attract investors who could put in bids to develop this prime piece of real estate. 

The Air Force reassembled this decommissioned F-104 fighter jet, a major undertaking which came at no small expense. It will be a featured exhibit at the city government’s 329 Air Force Exhibition. The event will take place on a prime parcel of real estate, a location that was the former Air Force General Command on Renai Road.

Wu Chun-min 
Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs 
The main thing is we are making this open space available. After it is open, residents can experience this park area, and later we can develop a consensus.

The city government’s plan to develop the former Air Force General Command begins with the Air Force exhibition, later this month, along with five other exhibits. At year’s end, it hopes to deliver a final plan for the plot as well as invite outside bidders. Real estate agents believe that this 7.15 hectare parcel, if properly developed, could result in NT$200 billion in business opportunities, with real estate prices hitting new highs.

Shih Guang-ming
Real Estate Agent
The government's development plan is focused on using cultural and creative industries as a reference point, and in the future potentially developing it into a commercial center. This empty plot of land could have an obvious impact on this entire business district.

DPP Taipei City Councilor Juan Chao-hsiung is urging the government to follow up on its pledge.

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[[台北市長 郝龍斌]]


[[台北市長 郝龍斌]]
“容積銀行這個制度,就是政府做莊,然後容積增額的利益,歸屬到全民,我們透過容積銀行方式,讓都市更新順利進行 新區舊區能夠創造雙贏”


The Taipei City government plans to introduce a new transfer of development rights system that it believes will bring greater fairness to an often abused system. By creating a building bulk bank, it will force developers to pay into a public fund if they desire to purchase extra floor space for development projects. 

New property developments sprouting up around Taipei are made possible in part due to the transfer of development rights. Referred to legally as the transfer of building bulk, developers that own building bulk on one piece of land can transfer this bulk to another piece of land. There, they can create additional floor space. A change could be in store, however, for this system.

Hau Lung-bin
Taipei Mayor
The current building bulk system involves purchases and sales by private entities. Information is neither open nor transparent, so many private landowners end up being exploited by middlemen. Urban building bulk is a public resource that should be acquired through the city government. This is why we decided to launch the building bulk bank.

Developers that want to add more building bulk in the future would have to pay cash over to the city government. The city government is supposed to use the money on new public infrastructure or urban renewal projects. 

Hau Lung-bin
Taipei Mayor
The government serves as the banker in the building bulk bank system. The benefits that come from adding building bulk go to the people. Through building bulk banks, urban renewal will proceed smoothly. It will produce a win-win situation for new and old sections of the city.

The Hau administration would like to see the plan pass city council at the end of this month. It would then be implemented in as early as three years.

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[[經濟學者 林向愷]]


A flood of cash put into Chinese yuan term deposits isn’t proving to be the savvy investment that many locals once hoped. Cooling growth and corporate debt problems have soured analysts on the Chinese yuan. The resulting weakening of the currency is eating away at the attractive interest rates that led investors to buy the deposits. 

Term deposit accounts with interest rates of up to 3.5 percent encouraged Taiwanese to enter the Chinese yuan market. But many have not gotten the hoped for returns. The yuan has been weak, and it fell to an 11-month low on Monday when the government widened the band at which the yuan can be traded. Thus far this year, the yuan has fallen about 2 percent.

Its rapid weakening has made me nervous. I’m going to leave the money there and wait.”

Now that it’s fallen, I have to quickly buy more.

Some investors are hoping to make back losses and others to take advantage of lower rates. Experts urge caution.

Kenneth Lin
Economics Professor
Export performance that has failed to meet expectations has led China to depreciate its currency to raise the competiveness of its products. People see these exchange fluctuations and still want to put their money into yuan deposits. Yuan deposit rates may be high, but potential losses on exchange rates could lead to the loss of all the interest you struggled to earn.

Investors starry eyed by Chinese yuan incentives are learning the pitfalls of forex.

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[[導演 柯一正]]

[[前田徑國手 紀政]]

特別的是,主辦單位以核警報當起跑聲,隨後會有10位「核輻怪獸」追趕參賽者,如果被逮到,必須沿途找「綠能精靈」索取保命卡,或最後在終點宣示「放棄核能」, 才能取得完賽證明。


An anti-nuclear fun run will take place on the last Saturday of the month. Today director Ko Yi-cheng was joined by actors, actresses and activists in a promo for the event. 

A large crowd of actors from the recently released domestic film “Kano” expressed their opposition to nuclear power. Organizers used the opportunity to promote the fun run scheduled for March 29. 

Ke Yi-cheng
Film Director
If work on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant doesn’t stop, we won’t end our public demonstrations. I hope that in the short term, we can influence (the government) to reverse its decision.

Chi Cheng
Former Olympic Athlete
Silence is not golden. Silence is as if you support the government’s policy.

Both artist groups and those from the sporting industry are coming together to promote this road race. 

At 7 am on March 29, the anti-nuclear fun run will start from Ketagalan Boulevard and cover a total of 7 kilometers. Organizers will have 10 nuclear monsters join the run, chasing joggers along the route. If caught, joggers will need to seek out a special green fairy to get a card granting new life. At the end of the race, participants will need to renounce nuclear power in order to gain a race certificate. 

So far, more than 2,000 people have registered for the run, including actors in the advertisement and this person suffering from a spinal injury. Together, they want to express their opposition to nuclear power.

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