[[銀行副總 高榮成]]
“很多家餐廳跟這間銀行合作的話,那我覺得持這張卡,就可以有優惠的話,我覺得還不錯 ,就不用去申辦某一張特定的卡,到某個餐廳交易才可以有折扣”
OTC to offer first ever co-branded credit card providing lots of tantalizing benefits (2014/02/07)
Taiwan’s Gretai Securities Market, the operator of Taiwan’s over-the-counter stock market, will soon issue a co-branded credit card. It hopes to parlay its relationship with some 900 companies on OTC into offering special discounts and other benefits.
In addition to providing OTC market listing and securities trading services for local companies, GTSM is also pioneering other consumer services.
At the moment, nearly 900 companies are listed on the OTC exchange which is now seeking more inroads into consumer businesses. It currently has a partnership with more than a dozen companies including Thai Town, Taiwan High Speed Rail, and Janfusan Fancy World offering discount and even two types of cash back programs.
Kao Jung-cheng
Hua Nan Commercial Bank VP
We will provide 6 to 12 percent cash back, but of course, there will be a limit to this each month, and we will set aside a certain percentage for charity.