


[[桃園農民 夏淑玲]]

[[有機農場主人 蘇興李]]


[[有機農場主人 蘇興李]]


[[桃園農民 夏淑玲]]



[[有機農場主人 蘇興李]]
現在的消費者,在還沒有吃一個東西之前,他一定是用眼睛去看到這個產品,他都看不上眼 他怎麼會想要去吃?一定要對消費者做有機(蔬菜)的教育。








[[鄧公國小 校長 張榮輝]]


[[桃園農民 夏淑玲]]


Farmers, consumers benefit from chemical-free agriculture (2014/02/09)

Increased attention toward healthy eating and the environment is inspiring more farmers to embrace chemical-free agriculture. Tonight we look at how organic farming is benefitting consumers and the farmers who choose to practice it. 

Twelve years ago, Hsia Shu-ling left Hualien and moved to Taoyuan where she started growing organic vegetables. Though she was familiar with farming, doing so without herbicides proved difficult. 

Hsia Shu-ling
Taoyuan Farmer
When we started, we had a weed problem that we didn’t know how to solve. People came and said they couldn’t see our vegetables. They thought it would be impossible for us to survive.

Su Hsing-li
Organic Farmer
Conventional methods take care of weeds by spraying herbicides. Within one hour, probably a dozen (greenhouses) can be treated. Organic farming depends upon manual labor to pull weeds. At least 10 times as much time is needed to complete the work.

Su Hsing-li says he began pursuing organic farming methods 18 years ago, despite objections from his father.

Su Hsing-li
Organic Farmer
The farm workers agreed with me. I said that beginning today, we don’t spray any more chemical pesticides. Over the next two years we hid this from my father. Then one day I told him some good news. I said that we can eat the vegetables raw because we didn’t use any pesticides.

Organic vegetables are sweeter and crisper than those grown with the aid of chemical pesticides. However, to be organic, the whole growing process cannot use any chemical herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers. For Hsia, the switch to organic farming did not come without setbacks. Three or four batches of crops were completely devoured by insects, resulting in lost harvests.

Hsia Shu-ling
Taoyuan Farmer
I wanted to give up. But around this time, both my father and mother developed cancer. Doctors couldn’t find a cause, so they eventually reasoned that it could be due to their exposure to pesticides. We then decided to stick with organic farming. 

Here we see a bulldozer used to make a natural compost of coffee grounds, fruit rinds, leaves and other kitchen waste. Later, it’s left to ferment, becoming this farmer’s signature blend of organic fertilizer. And the best pest repellent is this bucket of fermenting red chili peppers.

Even armed with this natural insect repellent, it’s inevitable that a few insects will be undeterred. Farmers know that it’s hard to sell vegetables that have been partially eaten by insects.

Su Hsing-li
Organic Farmer
Nowadays, consumers judge things by sight. They see it before they taste it, and if it visually doesn’t appeal to them, we can’t expect them to buy it. We definitely have to educate consumers about organic farming.

To promote organic vegetables and the health of the next generation, in 2011 the New Taipei City government began asking primary and secondary schools to offer organic vegetables at lunch once a week. Quality control is a vital part of the program.

Lab Technician
From each shipment, we take eight leaves. We use this tube to collect the samples.

Companies specializing in packaging organic vegetables send a sample for verification. If no pesticide residues are detected, the vegetables can be readied for the market.

Organic vegetables are sent from the farm to packaging facilities, where staff neatly arrange them on a conveyor belt. They are later trimmed and washed in room temperature water then ice water.

After washing, the vegetables go through another round of human screening. They are then packaged with a label and certified.

The next step is placing them in a 4 degree freezer as they await delivery the next morning to a central kitchen or kitchens operated by the schools. Some farms deliver directly to the schools.

Taiwan produces nearly 60 tons of organic vegetables per week. About half of this amount is consumed by schoolchildren in the 280 primary and secondary schools of New Taipei City that participate in the weekly organic meal program. The program also serves a promotional purpose.

Chang Rong-huei
Deng Kong Elementary School
More than 98 percent of our students eat school lunches. This means that parents support these meals, and of course schools have a responsibility and an obligation to provide good lunches for children to eat.

A clean water supply, no chemical residues in the soil, and extra labor are needed to produce non-toxic organic vegetables. The question is whether the market will support it. Organic vegetables are typically three times the price of normal vegetables, but this gap is gradually narrowing.

Hsia Shu-ling
Taoyuan Farmer
Prices in conventional farming are based on volume. I don’t worry about this because I will always be able to get a good price. After we get an order, we plant. To be truthful, it’s a little more relaxing because we have more control over output. 

Between pre-orders and school lunches, the farmers can better manage their business while ensuring stable demand. By treating the land well, the farmers are confident it will give them the support they need.

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