2023/02/21 05:30◎盧永山

On February 15 morning, a loggerhead sea turtle named Rocky paused briefly on the sand before slowly crawling into the Atlantic Ocean after spending six weeks rehabbing at Florida’s Loggerhead Marinelife Center.


Rocky, a 100-kilograms female turtle, was found floating off North Hutchinson Island on Dec. 29 with a tear in the lung caused by a boat strike, Andy Dehart, the center’s president and CEO.


The turtle “had a perforation in the lung, so was trapping air in the body cavity, which was making it essentially be what’s called a floater,” Dehart said. “It couldn’t dive. It couldn’t get underwater.”




rehab:名詞,康復治療、勒戒。例句:She has finished four months of rehab.(她在完成4個月的治療後康復。)

perforation:名詞,穿孔。例句:Most bowel perforations are treated with surgery to repair the hole.(大部分的腸穿孔是透過手術來修復穿孔。 )

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2023/02/20 05:30◎陳成良

A German newspaper critic had animal feces smeared on her face in the city of Hannover by a ballet director who apparently took offense at a review she wrote.


The Hannover state opera house apologized for the incident and said Monday that it was suspending ballet director Marco Goecke with immediate effect.


The daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported that a furious Goecke approached its dance critic, Wiebke Huester, during the interval of a premiere at Hannover’s opera house on Saturday and asked what she was doing there. It said that the two didn’t know each other personally.


He then pulled out a paper bag with animal feces and smeared her face with the contents before making off through a packed theater foyer, the newspaper said. Huester identified the substance as dog feces and said she had filed a criminal complaint, German news agency dpa reported.

該報稱,他隨後拿出一個裝有動物糞便的紙袋,將裡面的東西塗在她臉上,然後穿過擁擠的劇院門廳離開。據《德新社》 報導,休斯特鑑定該物質為狗糞,並表示她已提起刑事訴訟。


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2023/02/16 05:30◎孫宇青

Firefighters have rescued a 13-year-old blind dog that fell into a hole at a California construction site.


According to KABC-TV, the dog, named Cesar, lives next to the site in Pasadena with his owner. Cesar apparently wandered onto the site and then fell into the hole, which was about 4.5 meters deep and 0.91 meters wide.


Pasadena Fire Chief Chad Augustin said confined-space rescues present unique challenges for firefighters. "There’s a lot of steps we need to do to make it as safe as possible. For not just the dog but also our rescuers."


The team hooked up a series of ropes and pulleys to lower one team member into the hole. It took the team member about 12 minutes to reach the dog, secure him in a harness and bring him back to the surface.(AP)



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2023/02/14 05:30◎魏國金

When his dog was born three decades ago in a tiny village in central Portugal, Leonel Costa was only eight years old. Little did he know that his beloved Bobi would one day be recorded as the world’s oldest dog.


When Bobi, a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo, celebrated its 30th birthday last year, Costa knew he had broken an almost century-old record held by an Australian cattle-dog that died at 29 years and five months in 1939.


Costa got in touch with the Guinness World of Records, submitted all the paperwork and a year later Bobi was officially named the oldest dog on record. Bobi was 30 years and 269 days old as of Feb. 4.


"It’s a feeling of pride we can’t explain," Costa, 38, told Reuters. The Guinness World of Records described Bobi’s story as "miraculous".



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2023/02/13 05:30◎陳成良

A Michigan man says he was left with a $1,000 bill after his 6-year-old son ordered a virtual smorgasbord of food from several restaurants last weekend, leading to a string of unexpected deliveries — and maybe a starring role in an ad campaign.


Keith Stonehouse said the food piled up quickly at his Detroit-area home Saturday night after he let his son, Mason, use his cellphone to play a game before bed. He said the youngster instead used his father’s Grubhub account to order food from one restaurant after another.


The boy’s mother, Kristin Stonehouse, told The Associated Press on Thursday that Grubhub has reached out to the family and offered them a $1,000 gift card. The company also is considering using the family in an online promotional campaign, she said.(AP)




a smorgasbord of something:片語,各式各樣的(東西)。名詞smorgasbord意為(包含不同熱菜和冷菜的)北歐式自助餐。用法如:a smorgasbord of choices(很多選擇)。

reach out to sb:片語,(通常指為了幫助或加入其中而)與(某人)溝通,與(某人)打成一片,走進(某些人)中間。例句:The new mayor is reaching out to the local community to involve them in his plans for the city.(新市長正努力和當地的社區打成一片,使其成為自己城市規劃的一部分。)

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