Diesel exhaust fumes alter the flowery smells that guide bees when they forage, potentially sending them off course and putting the food-growing industry at risk, a recent study said.


Honeybees rely heavily on their sense of smell to locate flowers from which they harvest life-giving nectar -- transferring pollen grains from one bloom to another in the process.


The new research shows that diesel exhaust fumes from cars, tractors or power generators can chemically alter the smell of flowers and render them undetectable to bees. This, in turn, threatens the insects’ crucial role as a key pollinators of human food crops.


"Somewhere in the region of 70 percent of world crops require pollination services, and... about 35 percent of our current food production is reliant on pollination," said study co-author Tracey Newman of the University of Southampton. Pollination services have an estimated economic value of 153 billion euros a year.



If the foraging bees are unable to find nectar, the entire hive will suffer for a lack of food -- as will the plants that depend on pollination to reproduce.

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Kate Barrett, 36, has written a thank you letter to the burglars who broke into her house and apologised for not having "particularly expensive tastes".


"Dear Burglars, Thanks for popping by the other night and we’re sorry we didn’t have more for you to take", she wrote in the letter.


She wrote that she and her partner, Dan Owens, were "disappointed" the thieves had ignored her VHS video and cassette collection.


"As you now know, we don’t have particularly expensive tastes so there’s no need to come in again, unless you would like to take my collection of VHS videos and cassettes - Dan is very disappointed you didn’t take these first time round."


The couple were both away and Miss Barrett got home first to discover the "ransacked" house.


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Africans were treated Sunday to a spectacular solar eclipse that swept across the continent, while sky-gazers in the United States and Europe also glimpsed the rare phenomenon.


A total eclipse could be seen over parts of Africa and one of the best views was in northern Kenya’s Sibiloi national park, where a few hundred tourists gathered on the edge of the desert lake Turkana.


Alongside the tourists were colourfully dressed Kenyans from the Turkana, Rendile and Dasanach tribes who cheered as the sky darkened.


But dramatic weather almost spoilt the show, with sandstorms, rain, a rainbow and heavy cloud all minutes before the eclipse, a photographer said.


These incredible pictures show the majesty and awe-inspiring beauty of last night’s solar eclipse.


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It is not a myth - women really are better than men at multitasking, at least in certain cases, a study says.


Men were slower and less organised than women when switching rapidly between tasks in tests by UK psychologists.


Both sexes struggled to cope with juggling priorities, but men suffered more on average, according to the paper in the journal BMC Psychology.


It says: "The question now is why? And is it all types of multitasking or only certain situations?"


The researchers hope to encourage more research on a topic which they say has attracted "astonishingly few" studies - considering how often the "women vs men" debate crops up in conversation.


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The amount of time asthma patients spend soaking up the sun may have an impact on the illness, researchers have suggested.


A team at King’s College London said low levels of vitamin D, which is made by the body in sunlight, was linked to a worsening of symptoms.


Its latest research shows the vitamin calms an over-active part of the immune system in asthma. However, treating patients with vitamin D has not yet been tested.


People with asthma can find it hard to breathe when their airways become inflamed, swollen and narrowed. Most people are treated with steroids, but the drugs do not work for all.




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