In the animal kingdom, different kinds of animals have evolved ways to avoid predators. Gazelles can run fast, and skunks spray predators with something that smells bad. Then there are chameleons that change color to look like part of the background. However, scientists say that the need to hide is not the biggest reason that chameleons developed the ability to change colors.

University of Melbourne’s Dr. Devi Stuart-Fox says that “chameleons evolved color change for signaling.” For example, a male chameleon will put on his brightest colors to show a female that he is ready for love. To tell another male to back off, a chameleon will turn bright red. Aside from changing colors to communicate, a chameleon might also change to help keep its body temperature comfortable. When the test chameleons were shown predators, though, their color changes were not as big.

It seems that chameleons usually use color not to hide but to communicate with other chameleons. Now that we realize this, we may soon be able to start eavesdropping on these messages!





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Every October, in windows of homes across North America, glowing faces appear. Some have scary grins, and others just look funny, but all of them are carved from pumpkins and are called jack-o’-lanterns.

Jack-o’-lanterns didn’t start out being carved from pumpkins. They were first made in Great Britain and Ireland long before people brought back pumpkins from the Americas. Back then, people carved scary faces onto turnips and put them outside their homes to keep spirits away. When these people moved to the Americas, they started using pumpkins for the jack-o’-lanterns because they were larger and easier to carve.

Pumpkins are used for a lot more than just Halloween decorations. They are good for your health, too! The chemical that makes pumpkins orange helps fight against cancer and is useful for keeping your eyes healthy. The meat of the pumpkin is also low in fat, making it great for people who are worried about their weight. Pumpkin seeds are high in vitamins and can protect your bones. It looks like pumpkins pack a health punch for your whole body!





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Before a trip, it’s always a good idea to research the place you are visiting to find out about the local money and social customs. If you really want to make your travels easier, though, don’t forget one important question: Should you tip?

In the United States, most people leave a small amount of money for the waiter at the end of a restaurant meal. This isn’t the custom in all countries, though. In France and Italy, a service charge is usually already included on your bill, so tipping is not necessary. In other countries where you don’t see a service charge, it’s thoughtful to leave at least 10 percent extra for a job well done. In Japan and New Zealand, tips are rarely expected and sometimes not appreciated. If you offer one and it is refused, take the waiter at his word and put your money away.

The question of whether to tip at restaurants can be a tourist’s nightmare. It can help to look around at the other tables. If you see cash lying on a table after customers leave, that means that others are tipping, and you should, too. 





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In the movie 2012, life on Earth gets destroyed right before our eyes. Earthquakes bring down buildings, volcanoes erupt, and tsunamis swallow major cities. During these events, the main character, Jackson, realizes something: the Maya were right. The world ends on December 21, 2012, just as they had predicted with their calendar centuries ago.

Although some people believe in this doomsday idea, researchers say that it is false. NASA scientist Don Yeomans points out that this date marks only the end of a cycle of the Maya calendar. In fact, wall writings discovered recently in Xultun, Guatemala, show that the Maya calendar goes beyond the year AD 3500. 

The Maya were experts at making calendars, but they also had other advanced skills. Their civilization, centered in modern-day Central America, lasted for more than 2,000 years. At their cultural height, around AD 600, they were tracking planets across the sky. They had their own writing system and used the juice of plants to make rubber balls for sports games. They were also able to build huge stone temples and palaces without the help of wheels or metal tools.






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Have you ever wondered why poinsettias are a part of the Christmas celebration? Stories say that this custom started long ago in Mexico. It was a tradition for all the people in one village, including the children, to give gifts to decorate their church on Christmas Eve.

One year, a girl named Maria felt heartbroken because she was too poor to buy a gift for the church, but then she heard the voice of an angel telling her not to be sad. The angel had seen the love in Maria's heart and told her to pick some weeds by the side of the road to give as a gift. Obeying the voice, Maria gathered the weeds and rushed to the church.

Maria placed her humble gift next to the more expensive ones and bowed her head. When she heard sounds of surprise from the other villagers, Maria looked up and saw that the top leaves of her weeds had turned bright red. They looked like beautiful red flowers that outshone the other gifts. Now, poinsettias are a Christmas reminder that a gift given in love is the most valuable gift of all.





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