The rose is one of the most popular symbols of love today. It's no wonder, then, that roses are often given to that special someone on Valentine's Day. What might be surprising, though, is that this beautiful flower also has a long and intriguing history.

Roses have existed for 35 million years. However, they only began to be cultivated around 5,000 years ago. First grown in Asia, they eventually spread to the rest of the world. Roses were valued not only for their beauty, but also for the medical properties they were believed to have. The ancient Romans, for example, believed that these flowers could be used as a cure for wrinkles and even to prevent drunkenness. In the seventeenth century, rose water became so popular that it took the place of money in some parts of Europe!

Mass cultivation of roses began in the late eighteenth century in Europe. Through crossbreeding, new colors, such as yellow, orange, green, and red, were soon introduced to join the traditional roses. Rose colors took on different meanings as well, with red representing love, yellow friendship, and white innocence.





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New Zealand has two main islands with sights of natural beauty. Now, the newly opened Te Araroa trail links many of those sites and offers a variety of sceneries to tourists.

Starting in Bluff, at the southernmost part of the trail on the South Island, visitors head north and enter the Otago region, which has grand mountains and river valleys. Queenstown sits along a beautiful lake and offers the chance to get a taste of adventure. White-water rafting, waterskiing, and jet boating are popular summer activities, while bungee jumping, skydiving, and horse riding are available all year.

Many tourists also go to this region to see sites made famous by the Lord of the Rings films. The location of Glenorchy, around 45 kilometers from Queenstown, provides the scenery for the fortress of Isengard. At nearby Paradise, you can see the setting of Lothlorien, the forest of the Elves. 

Further north is Mount Cook National Park, which has the tallest mountains and the largest glacier in New Zealand. Walking along one of the Park's ten trails, you may even be lucky enough to spot a kea, the world’s only alpine parrot.



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Moving objects with the mind may seem unbelievable, but it's actually what happens every time we move our body. The brain sends electrical signals to the muscles, which in turn produce movement such as walking or breathing.

This process has led scientists to think that tracking and interpreting the electrical signals can allow the thinker to control things beyond the body. Indeed, a recent technology using electrodes linked to the scalp is enabling people to move objects with their thoughts.

Elderly and disabled people have been the first to benefit from this technology. One system, developed in Japan, lets brain signals move a wheelchair. In the United States, scientists are testing brain-wave devices to help paralyzed patients. One device allows patients to control a robotic arm that can grab objects the user wants. Another, connected to a cast wrapped around the user's arm, produces repeated motions through the user's thoughts to retrain the damaged brain. Even more amazing is the thought-controlled robot created by Swiss scientists. Through a head cap and computers, paralyzed users can command their robot with their mind from one hundred miles away—similar to something that would happen in the film Avatar!





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It's a tradition in Taiwan to clean your home from top to bottom before Chinese New Year. While making your home tidy, it's important to make the air cleaner, too. According to a recent study, indoor air pollution can be just as harmful as outdoor air pollution. To improve the air in your home, first you need to know what may be causing this pollution.

Some of the most common indoor air pollutants may surprise you. Air fresheners cover bad smells, but some can also harm your health. Many artificial air fresheners contain a chemical that can cause birth defects. Scented candles made from paraffin wax aren't much better, as they can release as many toxins as cigarettes do. To remove odors more safely, put baking soda near garbage cans or place some cotton balls dipped in essential oils around the room to create a pleasant scent. 

Another source of indoor air pollution is the printer. Every time you print something, your printer releases ink into the air, which can hurt the lungs. Be sure to stand at least ten feet back while printing, and avoid using color ink since it is more harmful to your health than black ink.




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We often hear stories about kind people saving the lives of animals. Perhaps they pulled a cat from a burning building or adopted a dog from a shelter where the animal might otherwise have died. Well, more and more stories about animals rescuing people are emerging, too.

Take Pudding, a 9.5-kilogram cat, for example. After being adopted from a shelter by a woman and her son, he was able to return the kindness almost immediately. During the night, he sensed that the woman, who was having a diabetic seizure, was sick. He jumped on her chest and nipped her face to wake her up. Then, he went to wake her son so he could call for help. Pudding's quick actions saved the woman's life.

Jake, a Rottweiler from England, is also a hero. While walking in a park with his owner, the dog heard some screaming. He ran to the rescue and chased away a man who was attacking a woman. Even pet birds have been known to save the day. When Willie the parrot saw two-year-old Hannah choking, he kept shouting “Mama, baby!” This strange behavior caught the babysitter's attention and drew her into the room, where she saw Hannah needed help.




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