Think kindly of the dragon Smaug. Shed a tear for Gollum. And give an orc a hug.


If only they had tucked into the occasional quiche and salad or a touch of smoked salmon, or had a few sessions on a sunbed. How much kinder history would have been to them.


So suggests an offbeat study which concludes that the evil characters in J.R.R. Tolkien’s "The Hobbit" lost their battle against men, elves and dwarves because they suffered from vitamin deficiency.


Shunning sunlight, surviving on a sketchy or unbalanced diet based on rotten meat, they lacked vitamin D, a key component for healthy bones and muscle strength.


The idea is proposed by Nicholas Hopkinson, a doctor at Imperial College London and his son Joseph.


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There will be more mobile subscriptions than people in the world by the end of next year, according to a UN agency report. The International Telecoms Union predicts that subscriptions will pass seven billion early in 2014.


There are currently 6.8 billion mobile subscriptions and 7.1 billion people.


The ITU World in 2013 report also found that more than a third of the global population are online.


The Commonwealth of Independent States, the alliance of countries formerly in the Soviet Union, has the highest mobile penetration with 1.7 subscriptions for every person. Africa has the least, with 63 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants.



outnumber:動詞,數量超過。例句:In our office the women outnumber the men three to one.(我們辦公室女生比男生多,比例是3比1。)

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"Cronut," you just can’t win them all. On Wednesday, announced that it had chosen "privacy" as its word of the year, beating out other finalists including the croissant-doughnut hybrid that became a national phenomenon in 2013.


Other finalists included "sequester," "shutdown," "share" and newly coined words such as "Obamacare" and "3D printing."


The dictionary website says it chose "privacy" over the other finalists in large part because of the debate over government surveillance programs led by groups such as the NSA that recently came under heightened scrutiny.

該線上字典網站表示,「隱私」之所以能脫穎而出,主要肇因於近來遭嚴格檢視的國家安全局等機構主導的政府監聽計畫所引發的論戰。 defines "privacy" as "the state of being free from intrusion or disturbance in one’s private life and affairs."



you can’t win them (’em) all:慣用語,非正式用法,意指不可能在所有方面都成功。例句:A: I’m very disappointed I didn’t get the job. B: Oh well, you can’t win ’em all.(A:那份工作沒被錄取我很失望。B:唉呦,沒有人到處都吃得開的好不好。)

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An anti-corruption watchdog ranks the U.S. and Germany as the most active at enforcing rules prohibiting multinational companies from using bribes in foreign markets, but said Tuesday that half the world’s top exporters are doing little or nothing at all to investigate or prosecute offenders.


A new report from Transparency International showed only the U.S., Germany, Britain and Switzerland actively enforced the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention agreed upon by 40 major exporting countries.


The 1997 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development convention prohibits bribes to win contracts and licenses, or to dodge taxes and local laws.


At the same time, 20 countries that together account for about 27 percent of the world’s exports, including Group of 20 members Japan, Brazil, South Korea and the Netherlands, showed little or no enforcement, the watchdog said.


``The 40 countries, which represent more than two-thirds of global exports, would make it very hard to get away with bribery, if they lived up to the requirements of the OECD anti-bribery convention,’’ Transparency International head Hugette Labelle said in a statement. (AP)


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Dan slurped desperately on his pink nursing bottle and spilled milk all over the place, while his brother Tom patiently waited to take a swim in the family pool.


It would be a typical family scene if not for the fact that Dan and Tom tip the scales at 700 pounds, have claws that could slice a man in two and were raised along with seven other tigers sleeping in the beds of Ary Borges’ three daughters.


Borges also has two lions, a monkey, and a pet Chihuahua named Little inside his makeshift animal sanctuary, where man and beast live together in his spacious red-dirt compound, separated from the outside world by tall metal fences and high wooden walls.


The Brazilian family is now locked in a legal dispute for the cats, with federal wildlife officials working to take them away. While Borges does have a license to raise the animals, Brazilian wildlife officials say he illegally bred the tigers, creating a public danger.



slurp:動詞,吃喝(某物)時發出很大聲音。例句:He was slurping down his soup.(他喝湯時發出嘖嘖的聲音。)

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