Ms. Marvel, the 1960s-era comic book heroine is making a comeback. But in the iconic character’s next incarnation, she will look very different. The role of the previously blonde, blue-eyed Ms. Marvel will be filled by a Muslim teen, Kamala Khan.
Khan, a 16-year-old high school student who lives in Jersey City with her Pakistani immigrant parents, can grow and shrink parts of her body and shape shift into other forms. But her real power might reside in helping teach the American public about what it means to grow up as a Muslim girl in the United States, activists said. Khan is the first Muslim lead character in a Marvel comic series.
"She is going to be a window into the American Muslim experience," said Fatemeh Fakhraie, the founder of Muslimah Media Watch, a forum on Muslim women’s representation in popular culture.
Ms. Marvel’s editor Sana Amanat calls the series a "desire to explore the Muslim-American diaspora from an authentic perspective" and what it means to be young and lost amid expectations by others while also telling the story of a teenager coming to grips with having amazing powers.
make a comback:片語,指重整旗鼓、捲土重來,如After ten years in retirement, the singer made a comeback.(在退出歌壇10年後,這位歌手又捲土重來。)
a window into:片語,指讓人更了解某事的事物或管道,如The book gives the reader a window on war.(這本書為讀者開啟了一扇了解戰爭的窗口。)
diaspora:名詞,正式用語,通常為單數,指古代猶太人流亡到世界各地的大離散,亦指任何遠離家園的聚居族群,如The Ukrainian diaspora flocked back to Kiev.(海外烏克蘭族群又重返基輔。)
文章出處:<a href="">自由時報電子報中英對照新聞