The world of fashion is constantly changing. New styles and trends can be hot one day and gone the next. One of the more interesting trends in recent years, known as "eco-fashion," is slowly working its way into clothing stores and fashion shows around the world.
Eco-fashion, also called "sustainable fashion," comes in many forms. In general, it takes into account the health of the environment, the health of consumers, and the well-being of designers and factory workers. Eco-fashion companies might use recycled materials to make their products. While other companies throw away tons of scrap material each year, eco-companies turn these scraps into usable fabrics for their designs. Some designers take secondhand clothes and turn them into 'new" garments. There are also those who incorporate things like recycled rubber, recycled plastic, and even coffee grounds into their clothing.
If wearing recycled clothing doesn't suit you, you'll be happy to learn that some eco-clothing companies use original materials that are both natural and sustainable. From underwear made from bamboo to dresses made from banana leaves, these products contain no harmful dyes and bleaches or materials that pollute the environment.