The world of fashion is constantly changing. New styles and trends can be hot one day and gone the next. One of the more interesting trends in recent years, known as "eco-fashion," is slowly working its way into clothing stores and fashion shows around the world.

Eco-fashion, also called "sustainable fashion," comes in many forms. In general, it takes into account the health of the environment, the health of consumers, and the well-being of designers and factory workers. Eco-fashion companies might use recycled materials to make their products. While other companies throw away tons of scrap material each year, eco-companies turn these scraps into usable fabrics for their designs. Some designers take secondhand clothes and turn them into 'new" garments. There are also those who incorporate things like recycled rubber, recycled plastic, and even coffee grounds into their clothing.

If wearing recycled clothing doesn't suit you, you'll be happy to learn that some eco-clothing companies use original materials that are both natural and sustainable. From underwear made from bamboo to dresses made from banana leaves, these products contain no harmful dyes and bleaches or materials that pollute the environment.





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For some adults, chasing fireflies and watching them light up the hills on summer nights are fond childhood memories. Unfortunately, fireflies may become part of the past since they are at risk of disappearing in Taiwan as they are in other parts of the world.

Taiwan is home to more than fifty of some two thousand firefly species around the world. Fireflies thrive in humid, warm areas, and they can be found in forests and fields as well as near lakes, rivers, and streams. They glow at night to find mates, but the presence of artificial light prevents fireflies from seeing each other, so they cannot reproduce. Water pollution, the use of chemicals on plants, and the mismanagement of rivers and streams have also contributed to the firefly's decreasing numbers. 

The Taiwanese government and various local organizations have now taken steps to protect these magical creatures. Fireflies are being bred and released into the wild. Ponds and grasslands are also being developed to create favorable environments for snails and earthworms, which are a main food source for firefly larvae. Through the hard work of some conservationists, firefly numbers have increased in certain mountain areas.





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Food brings joy to many people, but for some, it can be an object of passion. Those who truly love food—eating it, preparing it, creating new dishes with it—may become chefs, thus turning their passion into a career.

You might think that a chef's job is only to cook, but in reality, chefs do much more than that. Cooks spend their time cooking in a restaurant's kitchen. Chefs, however, are in charge of the kitchen. Chefs hire and manage kitchen workers, plan menus, create recipes, and decide which food suppliers to order products from. They taste foods to check flavors and examine dishes to see if all of the items are well arranged.

Good chefs are also skilled in time management. They make sure that each course of a meal is served neither too slowly nor too quickly. This may sound simple, but when dozens of tables must be served at once, managing time can be hard. In the end, chefs direct all of their efforts towards one goal—to give customers a delicious and memorable meal.





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A picture is worth a thousand words, and this is true for the 365 Project. This new trend encourages people to take a photo a day for a whole year. Already, more than 80,000 people have taken part in this project. For some, it's an easy way to remember what they did that year. For others, it's a challenge that helps them become better photographers.

The 365 Project isn't just about improving your camera skills, though. An originator of the project said that it helped her see things in her life that would otherwise have gone unnoticed. She also learned to appreciate the people and things around her more. 

If you're interested in giving this project a go, all you need is a camera, but remember to always carry it with you. Also, make sure that you have an easy way to upload your pictures to the Internet. 

It might be hard to take a photo every day. However, at the end of a year, you'll be glad that you can look back at a year of your life in pictures.




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Traditionally, printers have been used to make copies of information on paper. These days, however, a new type of printing is making actual three-dimensional objects, and it is opening the door to an exciting world of possibilities.

3-D printers produce three-dimensional objects based on a design by a computer program. The computer reads the design and then lays down layer after layer of powder, liquid, or other materials to build the model. This process cuts down on material waste and high costs, which are usually linked to traditional manufacturing methods. It also saves time and allows for greater customization, since computer designs can be changed and printed again. 

Already, 3-D printing is being used in a variety of fields. Artists are using it to make sculptures and jewelry. Industrial designers are using it to produce models, while auto mechanics are using it to create hard-to-find parts. Someday, 3-D printers may enable doctors to make replacement organs for people. 

We are just beginning to understand how 3-D printing will impact the world. Clearly, it will be one of the most important technologies of this century.





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