Their rainbow colors draw your eye. As you lift one to your mouth, you smell almonds. When you bite into the cookie, your teeth break through the thin shell into a soft center. Your mouth is filled with delicious flavor. This is the sweet experience of eating a macaron.

Macarons are one of the latest dessert crazes to sweep the world. This treat is basically two cookies that are stuck together with a sweet filling. The cookies are very light. That’s because they are made with little more than egg white, almond flour, and sugar. This gives the outside of the cookie a crisp shell. The filling is usually frosting, chocolate ganache, or a kind of jam. It melts into the cookies and makes their centers soft.

Interesting flavors are also added to the cookies and the fillings. The standard flavors are chocolate, vanilla, and raspberry. These days, though, you can buy ones that taste like flowers, peanut butter, green tea, and even liver. With bright colors and a variety of different tastes, macarons are a feast for the senses.






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Did you know that your cells would die without salt? This simple seasoning lets us stay alive. It also helps make medicine and keep food fresh. In fact, there are thousands of ways to use salt to improve our lives.

One of the first uses of salt was to keep food from going bad. Salt can stop cut fruit from turning brown and help milk stay fresh for longer. It can also be used to remove a coffee stain from a cup and to get rid of rust. The usefulness of salt doesn't stop here. If a sore throat is bothering you, try cleaning your throat with warm salt water. A paste made from salt and water can also ease the pain from a bee sting.

These are only a few of the thousands of uses for salt. The next time you have a problem around the house, see if it can be solved with salt. This wonderful item makes life possible, and it also makes many things in life much easier.






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To help save the environment, researchers have gone underwater to find inspiration.
The scales on sharks are tiny, rough, tooth-like structures. This makes their skin feel like armor and helps the sharks move quickly and gracefully through the water. For many years now, humans have been copying shark skin in different products. Artificial sharkskin fabric is very light and does not wrinkle easily, which makes it ideal for suits, curtains, and tablecloths. Other things that have been made with sharkskin fabric are diving suits and winter coats.
  The biggest technological advancement that is related to shark skin in recent years is paint. This new kind of paint, which has been inspired by the efficiency of shark skin, can be applied to airplanes, ships, and wind turbines. By doing so, wind drag is reduced. This means that fuel costs for boats and planes are reduced and money is saved. On wind turbines, less air resistance means that more energy is generated, making them more efficient. The best things about sharkskin paint are that very little extra weight is added to the ships, planes, and wind turbines and it can resist ultraviolet radiation and extreme temperatures.
  There are particles in the paint that recreate the shark-skin like quality, but it needs to be applied properly with stencils. The researchers in Germany who came up with the paint tested it on ships. They found that the paint reduces drag by five percent. On large container ships, this could save 2,000 tons of fuel. If this paint were applied to every plane in the world, 4.48 million tons of fuel would be saved every year. That would reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and when it comes to protecting the environment, every little bit helps.


ideal a. 理想的
It is Jane's view that an ideal husband should always be respectful and truthful.

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The Color Run is one of the most memorable experiences you will ever have.

Are you ready to have the time of your life? If you are, then grab your family and friends and get yourselves out to The Color Run. This is a unique untimed, five-kilometer race that is all about adding color to your life and your clothes. Participants start out wearing completely white outfits at the event. By the end, they are covered from head to toe with different colors. That's because at each kilometer of the race, the runners are dipped with colored powder. The best part, though, is the gigantic Color Festival at the end of the race, where everyone gets to throw colors at the runners crossing the finish line. 
  There's more to The Color Run than just covering people in colored powder. The event also observes happiness, healthy living, individuality, and giving back to the community. In each city that the event visits, the organizers team up with local and national charities to raise awareness and shed light on important issues. In 2012, more than US$600,000 was raised by The Color Run, and they plan to pass the million-dollar mark in 2013. What's more, the race has become the single largest event series in the US since its first running in January 2012. 
  The Color Run is open to people of all ages and backgrounds, from first-time runners to professional athletes. Moreover, everyone is a winner because the race is not about who's the fastest. The Color Run will soon be heading to Taiwan, so get ready to take part and become your own moving canvas of color.

  繽紛馬拉松不只是將彩色粉末覆蓋在人們身上而已。這項活動也在慶祝幸福、健康生活、個人獨特性和回饋社會。在該活動造訪的每個城市,主辦單位會和當地及該國的慈善團體合作來喚起大眾意識和闡明某些重要議題。2012 年,繽紛馬拉松籌募了六十多萬美元,他們預計要在 2013 年打破一百萬美元的目標。此外,這項比賽自從 2012 年一月首次開跑以來,便已成為美國最盛大的單一賽事系列。

  1. start out  開始,著手進行
    The project started out on a small scale, but it has since become much larger.
  2. from head to toe  從頭到腳
    John checked me out from head to toe when he saw my new dress.
  3. dip vt. 浸,泡
    The worker cooled the hot steel by dipping it into water.

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The human brain is the third largest organ in the body. It weighs an averageof three pounds and is made up of fat and protein. The brain is the control center for the whole body. It has some 100 billion nerve cells and operates other organs, creates thoughts and emotions, controls movement, and gets and keeps information all at the same time. It is what makes us different from other animals. It gives us the means to use language, think rationally, sense the world, and so much more. 
  The brain is quite flexible and continues to develop even into old age. However, just like the muscles in our bodies, the brain needs care and regularexercise to stay fit. If we don't do this, then our control centers won't be able tomake a decisionkeep our fears in check, or remember anything we did. 
  A good way to keep the brain healthy is to challenge it with clever games and tests, like those found on National Geographic Channel's Brain Games. Each of the 12 episodes reveals more of how the brain works, so don't miss seeing any.




  1. average n. 平均,平均數
    Our sales average increased by 10 percent last quarter.
  2. operate vt. 經營,管理
    My company operates 10 factories in Italy.
  3. at the same time  同時
    The ceremony was broadcast at the same time in 10 countries.

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