Traditionally, printers have been used to make copies of information on paper. These days, however, a new type of printing is making actual three-dimensional objects, and it is opening the door to an exciting world of possibilities.
3-D printers produce three-dimensional objects based on a design by a computer program. The computer reads the design and then lays down layer after layer of powder, liquid, or other materials to build the model. This process cuts down on material waste and high costs, which are usually linked to traditional manufacturing methods. It also saves time and allows for greater customization, since computer designs can be changed and printed again.
Already, 3-D printing is being used in a variety of fields. Artists are using it to make sculptures and jewelry. Industrial designers are using it to produce models, while auto mechanics are using it to create hard-to-find parts. Someday, 3-D printers may enable doctors to make replacement organs for people.
We are just beginning to understand how 3-D printing will impact the world. Clearly, it will be one of the most important technologies of this century.