


[[民進黨立委 陳其邁]]




“國庫的印章都我蓋的,你別看行政院那麼大間,只有三個人上班,就是院長 副院長,跟我三個”


[[民進黨立委 蔡其昌]]


The opposition DPP is accusing the judiciary of having a double standard when it comes to ruling on cases involving pan green and pan blue members. It is furious that the pan blue, KMT figure Lin Yi-shih received a sentence of just seven years and four months after extorting a payment of NT$63 million from a contractor. In a similar case former DPP President Chen Shui-bian was sentenced to 18 years in prison. 

The severity of the accusations against former Cabinet Secretary-General Lin Yi-shih led prosecutors with the Special Investigation Division to request a life sentence. Instead the court only gave Lin seven years, four months. The cover of the Apple Daily on Wednesday revealed the joy felt by the former Ma Ying-jeou aide. The opposition DPP was irate.

Chen Chi-mai
DPP Legislator
The judges were lenient on Lin Yi-shih and let his accomplices off unscathed. The people are completely disappointed in the court.

DPP lawmakers compared Lin’s case with a case involving former President Chen Shui-bian.

During Chen’s second-wave financial reforms program he accepted money from members of Yuanta Financial Holding’s Ma family as well as Diana Chen, a former chairwoman of the Taipei Financial Center Corporation. As president Chen was not a decision-maker who could directly benefit either the Ma family or Diana Chen. But judges ruled that he had substantial influence and sentenced him to 18 years.

The Special Investigation Division used the substantial influence argument again for the Lin Yi-shih case, arguing that he influenced contracts handed out by the China Steel subsidiary CHC Resource Corporation. It based the case on a recording in which Lin bragged about his decision-making power.

Lin Yi-shih Tape
I control the treasury seal. The Executive Yuan is big, but there are only three people who do any work there – the premier, the deputy premier and me.

But the judges said Lin did not have the power to pressure CHC. The DPP feels the courts have a double standard.

Tsai Chi-chang
DPP Legislator
I think the examples of the former President Chen case and the Lin Yi-shih case show that the judicial system has no way of making consistent rulings. Everyone has begun to think that if it’s a member of the KMT, he or she will be found innocent of all charges.

The DPP worries that other high-profile KMT figures accused of corruption will likewise receive light sentences. It will be closely watching the cases involving Taipei City Council Lai Su-ru and former Nantou County Commissioner Lee Chao-ching.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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Workers around the world take to the streets to protest unsafe conditions (2013/05/01)

Workers also took to the streets in Bangladesh and Turkey today to mark May Day. In Bangladesh the event took on special meaning as an illegally constructed garment factory collapsed last week with the death toll topping 400 victims. 

The tragic collapse of this building in Bangladesh on April 24 could have been prevented. Building inspectors had found cracks in the walls, leading authorities to issue an evacuation order. However, the garment factory owner insisted employees remain at their jobs.

Eight people associated with the case, including the owner of the building and the garment factory owner, have been brought into police custody. This did not stop thousands of laborers from taking to the streets in protest of poor working conditions.

The protest spun out of control, with riot police beating people with sticks as the demonstration turned into physical conflict.

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“因為現在什麼都漲啊 我們的薪水像我們當保母的 我們一個月除了補助 還要被扣還要被降低 家長也會要求說他們的薪水也很少啊”


不見政府出面回應,勞工企圖要衝撞拒馬,警方趕緊制止,雙方爆發激烈衝突 ! 




On May Day workers take to the streets of Taipei (2013/05/01)

On International Workers’ Day thousands braved the rain in Taipei to protest against labor conditions. They want guarantees that bankrupt companies fulfill retirement and severance obligations, and they are urging the government to scrap proposed pension reform. 

More than 20,000 gathered to show their anger to the government.

Prices of everything have gone up. Salaries for us nannies are falling, and what’s left is deducted. We only have a small subsidy. Parents tell us that their salaries are low.

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狗狗討喜的模樣,讓很多人喜歡又摟又親,但親密的接觸卻隱藏危機! 台北一位14歲的少年,左眼視力莫名其妙開始變差,多方求醫才發現,居然是被犬蛔蟲侵蝕到眼睛。


[[北醫寄生蟲學系主任 范家?]]


Dog roundworm nearly blinds 14-year-old boy (2013/05/02)

While dogs are affectionate and lovable pets, their parasites may be hazardous to humans. A 14-year-old boy’s eyesight began to deteriorate after becoming infected with dog roundworm. Fortunately a diagnosis was made early and his health is recovering after treatment. 

Dog-lovers frequently stroke and kiss their pets. However, affectionate contact with canines is potentially dangerous. The eyesight of a 14-year-old boy began to deteriorate after contact with dogs. After medical investigation, it was found that his eye had been infected with a species of parasite commonly referred to as “dog roundworm.”

If fertilized eggs are ingested through contact with dogs, roundworms can infect human organs through the digestive system and the bloodstream. Dog roundworm infections can cause blindness or lung inflammation. 

Fan Chia-kwung
Prof. of Parasitology, Taipei Medical University

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  • May 04 Sat 2013 09:03
  • 特選





BRIEFS  (2013/05/02)

New Hokkaido Flight
Travellers flying Eva Air from Taoyuan to Hokkaido, Japan, have a new option. Besides Hakodate and New Chitose airports, Eva Air now flies to Asahikawa Airport. The maiden flight for the new route was Thursday. Eva Air has two flights daily between Taiwan and the northern Japanese island.

Traffic Safety
Microcinema, used to promote all types of products, is being used to encourage traffic safety. The Kaohsiung Renwu precinct had five officers play the roles of law enforcers and violators. It produced four microfilms based on themes such as drunk driving and speeding. The films also promoted tourism by choosing popular local tourist spots as settings.

Rainy Weekend
After the first plum rains of the season drenched Taiwan, Thursday was a dry day. But this won’t last. A new front arriving Friday will affect Taiwan until at least early next week. The Central Weather Bureau warns that thundershowers are possible across Taiwan, especially in mountainous regions.

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