
台北國際龍舟賽,上午在大佳河濱公園登場,好手雲集,今年共有234支隊伍參賽,其中包括藝人賈永婕帶領的隊伍、「AIT Dragon Boat Team」等,不過都以些微差距,雙雙落敗,但對龍舟比賽充滿熱情,AIT處長馬啟思說,明年還要捲土重來。




BRIEFS (2013/06/12)

Dragon Boat Races
The Taipei International Dragon Boat Championship took place this morning at Dajia Riverside Park. A total of 234 teams participated, including a team led by entertainer JiaYong-jie and a team from the American Institute in Taiwan. Both of these high profile teams were defeated, though AIT Director Christopher Marut pledged his team would return next year.

Dragon Boat Cycle Race
In Taitung’s Chihshang Township people connected tricycles, complete with dragon heads made from Styrofoam and an eye-dotting ceremony. Later, both young and old were invited to participate in this safe and fun dragon boat race held onshore.

HSR Novelties

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KMT-CPC Meeting (2013/06/12)

The Taiwanese and Chinese semi-official agencies that handle cross-strait negotiations will meet on Friday for preparatory talks. They plan to discuss the possibility of signing a service trade agreement. 

Before then, KMT Honorary Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung heads to China for a high-level, party-to-party meeting. He arrived Wednesday and will represent the KMT in a Thursday meeting with Xi Jinping, the Communist Party chief and president of China. The opposition DPP is criticizing the arrangement because it feels the KMT is putting the party ahead of the national government.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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[[電訪立委 陳學聖]]


Lawmakers debate 12-year compulsory education ahead of extraordinary session (2013/06/12)

KMT Legislator Apollo Chen urged the government to cancel its plan to give tuition-free schooling to all as part of 12-year compulsory education. Chen says the government is not in a position financially to be so generous. The education plan is one of many contentious issues lawmakers are debating ahead of an extraordinary legislative session to take place Thursday and a report from the premier on Friday. 

In a meeting Thursday the KMT legislative caucus will hear a report from Education Minister Chiang Wei-ling, one day before Premier Jiang Yi-huah is to report on the government’s version of 12-year compulsory education. KMT Legislator Apollo Chen is expected to deliver a petition calling on wealthy families to be excluded from fully subsidized high school and middle school tuition fees. 

Voice of Apollo Chen
KMT Legislator
Taiwan's financial situation is poor. Otherwise, why would there be second generation National Health Insurance reform with added premiums, a capital gains tax on securities, as well as pension adjustments? All of these actions show that Taiwan is suffering through a difficult financial situation

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[[台塑資深副總 侯水文]]


[[裕隆總經理 陳國榮]]



Several of Taiwan’s biggest firms plan to give raises (2013/06/12)

Many companies remain tight-fisted when it comes to the subject of employee raises. But several of Taiwan’s largest enterprises have announced that they plan to give a little extra back to their workers this year. 

Formosa Plastics Group Chairman William Wong, top executives of the group’s four major units and labor union representatives worked together on a deal. They agreed to a 2.5 percent raise and a NT$3,000 bonus.

Ho Shui-wen
Formosa Plastics Group
Our first quarter performance was good, but the second quarter was much worse. The chairman still felt, however, that it was important to care for our workers.

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[[台北市交大副大隊長 林基田]]


[[台北市交大副大隊長 林基田]]



New rules could mean fines for drivers who drink as little as two cans of beer (2013/06/12)

Taiwan is enacting what the government calls the world’s toughest standards for alcohol levels while driving. The strict new regulations, which take effect Thursday, will lead to fines for drivers who are caught with a breath alcohol content of as little as 0.25 milligrams per liter, or a blood alcohol content of 0.05 percent. 

Many people enjoy drinking cool beer on hot summer days. But beware. Just two cans could put drinkers close to the legal limit for driving.

From Thursday stricter drink driving standards will go into effect.

Lin Ji-tian

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