2022/09/19 05:30


A Dutch city will become the first in the world to ban meat adverts from public spaces in an effort to reduce consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

  • 為減少碳排放,荷蘭城市全球首禁肉食廣告。示意圖。(法新社)



Haarlem, which lies to the west of Amsterdam and has a population of about 160,000, will enact the prohibition from 2024 after meat was added to a list of products deemed to contribute to the climate crisis.


Adverts will not be allowed on Haarlem’s buses, shelters and screens in public spaces, prompting complaints from the meat sector that the municipality is “going too far in telling people what’s best for them”.


Recent studies suggest global food production is responsible for one-third of all planet-heating emissions, with the use of animals for meat accounting for twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods.

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2022/09/16 05:30


Japan further relaxed its infection border controls on Wednesday, but its insistence on visitor visas means the yen’s plunge won’t translate to a tourism boom any time soon.

  • 日本政府進一步放寬入境管制措施,盼能吸引更多海外遊客赴日。圖為7日在東京淺草仲見識通邊走邊吃的外國旅客。(歐新社)



The government raised the daily ceiling of inbound travelers to 50,000 from 20,000 and scrapped a requirement for visitors as well as returning residents to undergo pre-departure COVID-19 tests, easing what have been the most restrictive border measures among major economies.


Travel bookings have increased since the easing was announced last month, but a true recovery will be delayed as long as visitors are still required to get visas to enter the country, said Japan Airlines Co. executive Koji Masumura.



curb:動詞/名詞,控制;限制,約束;抑制。例句:The mayor announced steps taken to curb crimes in the city. (市長宣布為遏止該市犯罪所採取的步驟。)

choke off:片語,中止,避免,扼殺。例句:High prices have choked off demand.(高價格扼殺需求。)

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2022/09/15 05:30


Tired of speaking to a machine when you call the bank or power company?

  • 西班牙政府擬立法要求公家單位和私人企業必須提供真人客服。示意圖。(路透檔案照)



Spain’s government wants to end those nerve-shattering, one-sided conversations with a computerized answering service by making it obligatory for companies to offer a real, flesh-and-blood customer service worker when so requested by a caller.


"Customer service far too often causes endless headaches for Spanish families because far too many companies create bureaucratic labyrinths to stop you from exercising your right to service," said Consumption Minister Alberto Garzón.


The bill would also seek to do away with long wait times by forcing companies to answer calls within three minutes.

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2022/09/14 05:30


Dozens of Vietnamese casino workers allegedly forced to toil without pay in Cambodia have fled back to their homeland by swimming across a river, authorities in Phnom Penh said Friday.

  • 柬埔寨施亞努市的一家賭場。(彭博檔案照)



About 40 staff with the Golden Phoenix Entertainment Casino in Kandal province - which neighbours Vietnam - fought off security guards to escape, leaving one missing after being swept away by the current, Vietnamese state media reported.


"These people might have been here working illegally," Cambodian Interior Minister Sar Kheng told reporters.


"They were promised salaries, but they did not get what they were promised... They crossed back to Vietnam because they could not reach a deal. They fled the place."

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2022/09/12 05:30


South Korea has again recorded the world’s lowest fertility rate with the number sinking to a new low. The rate in the country first dropped lower than one child per woman in 2018.

  • 去年的南韓不僅史上首度進入「人口負成長」,原本就已是全球最低的國家總生育率(TFR)更再度打破紀錄,僅剩0.84。(法新社檔案照)



But on Wednesday, figures released by the government showed the figure had dropped to 0.81 - down from 0.84 the previous year, and a sixth consecutive decline.


In comparison, the average rate across the world’s most advanced economies is 1.6 children


Countries need at least two children per couple - a 2.1 rate - to keep their population at the same size, without migration.

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