After the cabinet proposed new debt rules for local governments last week, local leaders became highly protective of their budgets. Today lawmakers joined the fight, arguing for better treatment of their respective districts. 

Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin does not want to see local funds dry up. He continued his recent attacks on the cabinet.

Hau Lung-bin
Taipei Mayor
The Ministry of Finance is still unable to provide its formula or the numbers it uses.

Finance Minister Chang Sheng-ford ripped into Hau and his local counterparts. Chang asks why localities are spending so much on New Year’s events when they say money is tight.

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Some of Taiwan’s leading television personalities are embroiled in an alleged art scam. They were recruited by suspected fraudster Yan Cheng-de 嚴程德to speak at investors’ meetings in which people were apparently duped into paying big bucks for worthless art. When the allegations against Yan arose, the TV stars said they too were fooled. 

Lai Sian-jheng, a well-known independent stock analyst, was recruited to give a speech offering his analysis of cultural industries. Hosting the event was the company UAN Cultural and Creative. After giving his speech, Lai never thought that he would be investigated as part of an art scam where UAN chairman Yan Cheng-de is accused of raking in NT$500 million. Aside from Lai, other TV personalities ensnared in the case include Tsai Yu-cheng, Ying Nai-ching and Lan Hsuan.

Prosecutors believe that Yan encouraged investors to purchase works by contemporary artists, selling 5,100 paintings and prints. They say he promised that these art investors could sell back their purchases within five years for double the money. Within six months he apparently had duped more than 1,000 investors and earned NT$500 million, even embroiling a number of TV personalities 

Lai Sian-jheng
Independent Stock Analyst
It’s really an unexpected misfortune. I just joined a simple speaking engagement.

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A city in the United Kingdom installed fitness equipment that also generates electricity into one of its parks, keeping the park lit at night and helping people stay in shape. The city hope the idea spreads to other areas to improve the environment and public health. 

Many public parks in the UK have fitness equipment which encourages people to exercise. However, in Hull, this fitness equipment actually generates electricity. 

“It’s fantastic and free of charge and you can just come on it anytime you want to which is great.” 

“It’s really good because you get fit.”

Whether it’s exercising one’s arms or thigh muscles, each piece of fitness equipment can generate electricity. Hull hopes this equipment can generate enough power to meet the needs of public facilities and one day contribute to the power grid. 

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Winter temperatures seem here to stay. The Central Weather Bureau predicts another cold front will arrive tomorrow, keeping conditions cool. But forecasters say Taiwan does not need to worry about a tropical storm that recently formed over the Pacific. 

Rain eased this morning, but not the low temperatures. The Central Weather Bureau expects these conditions to remain through Friday.

Wu Wan-hua
CWB Forecaster
Another weather front will blow in. From the 28th to 30th central Taiwan up north, along with the east and even mountainous areas in the south, could see rain. But it doesn’t seem like that front will cause temperatures as low as this cold air system did.

The bureau predicts wet, cool conditions in the north until the end of the work week. Residents in the south can expect sun. Meanwhile forecasters have detected a tropical storm that formed over the Pacific, 5,000 kilometers from Taiwan. It is named Bopha.

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Recently a Kaohsiung man unwittingly burned himself after sitting next to a heater for an extended period of time. Doctors warn that it’s important to maintain a proper distance and to give the skin frequent breaks from the dry heat produced by heaters. 

Low temperatures have led to an increased use of heaters, but users beware. A male in his 30s went to the doctor because he thought he had an allergic skin reaction on his upper left arm. In fact he burned himself using a heater to the point that red spots had formed.

Liu Jhao-hong
It’s likely he was near a heat source for a long period of time without wearing much heavy clothing. He was roasted to the point where his arm became red and inflamed.

Doctors say it’s best to stay at least 30 centimeters from a heater and to give the skin a break every half hour.

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