

Social media networks like Facebook are not putting users in an ideological information bubble, despite fears to the contrary, a new research report said.


The study published in the journal Science, based on an analysis of 10 million Facebook users and seven million web links, found many of the shared stories allowed people to get viewpoints different from their own.


The findings appeared to minimize concerns that social networks are leading to political polarization by grouping people along ideological lines and not exposing them to opposing views.


Facebook has been under special scrutiny because it uses algorithms that aim to deliver relevant stories to each user based on their interests.

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An unknown man in Birmingham, England has been spotted dressed up as the web-slinging superhero to feed the homeless at night. The masked do-gooder stated that he has been doing this for over a year, but only recently started dressing up as Spider-Man.
His wish was to put a smile on the faces of people he was helping. The Birmingham Spiderman, as he is known, explained that he does not accept money for anything he does and encourages everyone to get involved to feed those who need help. The efforts of the Birmingham Spiderman have caught the attention of many local and international news outlets. Photos of the Birmingham superhero helping the needy can be seen on Twitter and elsewhere on the Internet.


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The breakneck speed at which society has advanced over the past 100 years has brought us the comforts and conveniences we have all come to enjoy. Our progress, however, has come at the environment’s expense. Human activities, such as mining and drilling, have ruined the habitats of many of Earth’s majestic species. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) estimates that roughly 10,000 species are lost every year due to human activity. While we may not notice if a certain species of beetle goes extinct, we would be quite upset if the world were absent of tigers. The burden of bringing these animals back from the brink of extinction may be difficult, but if we do not do something then who will?



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“An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive business advantage.”

– Jack Welch, General Electric CEO

「一個機構學習並將它快速轉化為行動的能力,是一間公司最最重要的競爭優勢。」傑克‧韋爾許 (奇異公司執行長)

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有些人很怕嘗試任何新事物。但是你肯定不能那樣說露坎恩。事實上,2010 年裡的每一天,這位美國女性嘗試了她以前從未做過的事情。她的新體驗裡有一些並不是都那麼具有挑戰性,像是在冰淇淋店裡品嘗所有口味的冰淇淋或是跟完全陌生的人說話。然而,其他的體驗就比較大膽了。有一天,她吃下一隻蠍子。另外有一次,她在新年那天在大西洋城附近的冰冷海水裡游泳。


Some people are afraid to try anything new. That definitely cannot be said about Lu Ann Cahn. In fact, every day in 2010, the American woman tried something she had never done before. Some of her new experiences were not all that challenging, such as trying all the flavors in an ice cream shop or talking to a complete stranger. Others, though, were more adventurous. One day, she ate a scorpion. Another time, she took a swim in icy cold water near Atlantic City on New Year’s Day.
What motivated Cahn to do all these things? After having her large intestine removed at the age of 33, getting breast cancer two years after that, and then kidney cancer at age 45, Cahn found herself in a rut. She began to resist change. Her daughter encouraged her to try something new every day for a year. 

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