A woman who was injured while having sex in a Autralian hotel during a work trip has won the latest round in her legal battle for industrial compensation.
The woman, who was a public servant, was hospitalized after being injured in 2007 during sex with a male friend while staying in a motel in the town of Nowra.
She suffered injuries to her nose and mouth when a light fitting above the bed was ripped from its mount and landed on her face.
Her claim for worker’s compensation for her physical and psychological injuries was initially approved by government insurer Comcare, then rejected after further investigation.
Comcare claimed the injuries were not suffered in the course of her employment, and they were therefore not required to pay any damages. They argued the government had not induced or encouraged the woman’s sexual conduct.
The case initially went before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. The tribunal found that the woman had to show that the sexual activity which led to her injury had been expressly or impliedly induced or encouraged by her employer.
However, that ruling was overturned in the Federal Court. Finally the Full Bench of the Federal Court has ruled in favour of the woman.
mishap:名詞,意外、閃失。例句:They have arrived Germany without any mishap.(他們已經平安抵達德國。)
rip:動詞,撕裂、斷掉。rip off,俚語,動詞或名詞(rip-off),搶、騙、敲詐。例句:The cost of data roaming is $10 per megabyte. That’s a rip-off.
induce:動詞,勸說、引誘、招致。例句:The tsunami was induced by a major earthquake.(這場海嘯是由大地震引起。)
文章出處 :自由時報電子報中英對照新聞