【大紀元2012年07月20日訊】A: 美語訓練班上課啦! 大家好,我是楊琳!
B: 我是Kat! 楊琳,快說說咱們今天都要學甚麼?
A: 好! 今天,咱們一起去學學怎麼打籃球,看看怎麼裝飾辦公室來鼓舞士氣,吃頓饕餮大餐,還要告訴大家怎麼說"換位思考"!
B: 換位思考! 這是我無數優點中的一個呀!
A: Uh oh...大家都笑了.... 好了好了,言歸正傳,我們趕快先來進入第一個單元,Learn a Word!
今天我們要學的短語是lock horns. Lock是鎖上, horn是動物頭上的角,lock horns原指動物用角互頂打架,引伸為「激烈爭論」,槓上了。India and the European Union are likely to lock horns over new green energy norms at the Earth Summit in Brazil. 在巴西召開的地球峰會上,印度和歐盟很可能就新的綠色能源標準爭論不休。U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder locked horns with congressional Republicans at a hearing on a gun-trafficking case. 美國司法部長霍爾德同國會共和黨人在聽證會上因一起槍支走私案頂了起來。The mayor and her deputy locked horns over plans for a new road. 市長和她的副手因為修路計劃而激烈爭吵。好,今天我們學習的詞是lock horns.
A: 說起lock horns, 你看了這一期的Iron Chef, 料理鐵人了嗎? I love that show so much! It's so intense- I can't get enough of watching the competitors lock horns in epic food battles!
B: Yeah, that kitchen is definitely a war zone. I saw this one episode where the chefs had to cook five dishes with just eggs! Only eggs! Now that's a seriously tough challenge.
A: 可不是! They're amazing- for me, I have to keep my fingers crossed that even my scrambled eggs in the morning don't turn out horrible!
B: Hahah, well in the end, the contestants successfully made some AMAZING gourmet food! 你剛才提到了一個很好的詞兒,fingers crossed!! 咱們一起來聽聽這個習慣用語的用法!