Netiquette 這個字源於 Internet Etiquette 這個片語,意思是網路使用者使用網路的禮貌規定。
Netizen 這個字源於 Internet 和 citizen 這兩個字,意思是某人經常使用網路。
Surf the web 它的意思是瀏覽網路網站。
Search engine 這是一個讓你搜尋網絡資訊的功能。
FAQ 這是由 Frequently Asked Questions 的字首所組成的,是在特定主題的經常被詢問到問題的答案項目。
Emoticons 也稱為 smileys ,這些大部分會用在電子郵件或快速訊息裡面的圖片或者是一套的符號,指說明一些情感像是快樂 或是不快樂 :- (
Cyberspace 在這裡指說明可以在電腦網路找到所有的資訊資源的範圍。相關的表達方式為 Cybercafe 或是 Internet bar 。
Flame 它的意思是侮辱或是批評,例如: 「Don't flame me for giving my opinion.」
Spam 在這裡指說明未經請求的電子郵件(通常是指不預期的廣告),也可以被稱為是junk-mail 。
Abbreviations 這對於 Netizens 來說成為受歡迎的縮寫慣用片語。例如: BTW - By The Way、FYI - For Your Information、IMO - In My Opinion 還有 LOL - Laughing Out Loud 或是 Lots Of Laughs.
If you're like most people these days, you spend lots of time surfing the web, visiting chat rooms or instant messaging. But is your Internet English up to speed? Improve your cyber-skills with these useful words and expressions.
Netiquette This is derived from the phrase Internet Etiquette and means the polite rules followed by Internet users.
Netizen This term is derived from the words Internet and citizen, meaning someone who uses the Internet very often.
Surf the web This means browsing websites on the Internet.
Search engine This is a system that lets you search for information on the web.
FAQ This is an acronym for Frequently Asked Questions, a list of answers to the most common questions on a particular subject.
Emoticons Also called smileys, these are pictures or sets of characters used mostly in email or instant messaging to indicate an emotion like happiness or sadness
Cyberspace This term refers to the whole range of information resources available through computer network. A related expression is the termCybercafe or Internet bar.
Flame This means to insult or criticize, for example Don't flame me for giving my opinion.
Spam This refers to unsolicited e-mail (usually unwanted advertising) and is also known as junk-mail.
Abbreviations It's become very popular for Netizens to use abbreviations of common phrases, for example BTW - By The Way, FYI - For Your Information, IMO - In My Opinion and LOL - Laughing Out Loud or /Lots Of Laughs.