Judy had run out of food, so she went out to do some shopping. She passed by a bakery and was attracted to the heavenly1 smell coming from inside. Everything looked delicious, so she went into the bakery and bought a couple cupcakes2.
When Judy wanted to eat something sweet the following day, the cupcakescame to mind. She excitedly took one out of the box from the fridge3. As she wasremoving the wax paper4 from the cupcake, she saw something odd. The surface of the cupcake was covered with green mold5. Immediately, Judy checked the others and found that they had all gone bad. Judy felt sick and swore never to buy anything from that bakery again. She also couldn't help but imagine what would have happened if she had taken a bite of the rotten cupcake without looking at it first.
《Writing Method》 1. 引導句:女孩被麵包店的杯子蛋糕所吸引。 2. 發展句:女孩要吃蛋糕時,卻發現蛋糕發霉了。 3. 結論句:女孩把發霉的蛋糕丟到垃圾桶裡。