No Preservatives? (2013/07/14)
很多超商麵包,標榜不放防腐劑, 但有平面媒體測試卻發現,超商的麵包過期兩個禮拜,竟不會長霉!
Local print media are challenging the claims that bread available at convenient stores don’t contain preservatives. While their labels don’t have any mention of preservatives, many find it incredible that bread two weeks past the expiration date doesn’t grow any mold.
Convenience stores say the manufacturing process contains minimal amounts of water which along with vacuum packaging delay the growth of bacteria. However, a local baker believes that preservatives must be used to prevent bread from becoming moldy. Nutritionists warn that some mold can’t be seen by the naked eye, as they should still refrain from eating past date food even if it looks good.