The leader of North Korea apparently has learned a lesson from Hollywood: Image is everything.
The man known to the Western world as running a country that starves its population and menaces neighboring countries with a nuclear weapons program is a rock star, a photo released by North Korea’s Central News Agency would have you believe.
More Lil’ Kim than Kim Jong Un, the picture shows the leader mobbed by workers at a mushroom farm. From the looks of it, the leader is loved by his people.
與其說像金正恩,不如說更像美國女饒舌歌手Lil’ Kim,這張照片顯示,這位領導人被一座蘑菇農場的工人包圍。看樣子,這位領導人深受他的人民愛戴。
Dressed in dark shirt and pants, the 29-year-old stands in the middle of a crowd of women wearing immaculate white jumpsuits, with some grabbing his arms and others who appear to be weeping.
Is it staged? Reuters, which distributed the photo, notes that it is unable to "independently verify the authenticity, content, location, or date of this image."
for real:俚語,表示是認真的,沒在開玩笑。例如:A: I won the lottery jackpot; B: For real?(A:我中了樂透頭彩;B:真的假的?)
photo op:慣用語,photograph opportunity的縮寫,拍照機會,指(自然或刻意安排)讓被拍攝者曝光,以便塑造形象的拍照場合。
stage:動詞,為製造效果之刻意安排。例句:They staged a car accident to get insurance money.(他們刻意製造一場車禍以詐取保險金。)
文章出處:<a href="">自由時報電子報中英對照新聞