Police on Friday were looking for the driver of a convertible seen driving down the Philadelphia Museum of Art steps made famous in the movie "Rocky."
Several people posted online videos showing the car slowly making its way down the long, wide outdoor staircase in fits and starts at about midnight Thursday. The car then speeds off.
A photographer who calls himself Hugh E Dillon and who runs the local entertainment website PhillyChitChat.com posted one of the videos. Dillon said he lives nearby and happened upon the stunt.
Officer Christine O’Brien, a police spokeswoman, said no officer witnessed the episode, but added that the recording appears to be legitimate and investigators were "watching the video on YouTube that everyone has seen."
Police earlier told reporters they also planned to review surveillance video to try to find the car and its driver, who could face citations for reckless driving and driving on the sidewalk, among others. (AP)
make one’s way:慣用語,前進,成功。例句:Is this your plan for making your way in the world?(這就是你要在世上出人頭地的計畫嗎?)
in fits and starts:慣用語,斷斷續續,間歇的,一陣一陣的。
happen (up) on someone or something:慣用語,意外發現,遇到。例句:The archeologists happened upon an old tomb.(考古學家們無意中發現一座古墓。)
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