Dan slurped desperately on his pink nursing bottle and spilled milk all over the place, while his brother Tom patiently waited to take a swim in the family pool.
It would be a typical family scene if not for the fact that Dan and Tom tip the scales at 700 pounds, have claws that could slice a man in two and were raised along with seven other tigers sleeping in the beds of Ary Borges’ three daughters.
Borges also has two lions, a monkey, and a pet Chihuahua named Little inside his makeshift animal sanctuary, where man and beast live together in his spacious red-dirt compound, separated from the outside world by tall metal fences and high wooden walls.
The Brazilian family is now locked in a legal dispute for the cats, with federal wildlife officials working to take them away. While Borges does have a license to raise the animals, Brazilian wildlife officials say he illegally bred the tigers, creating a public danger.
slurp:動詞,吃喝(某物)時發出很大聲音。例句:He was slurping down his soup.(他喝湯時發出嘖嘖的聲音。)
tip the scales at:片語,(某物)重達...。例句:The boxes which tip the scales at more than 100 pounds are stolen.(重逾100磅的箱子被偷了。)
sanctuary:名詞,避難所、庇護所。例句:There was a sanctuary of political refugees behind the hospital.(醫院後方有個政治難民庇護所)