Global celebrity culture is fuelling our crippling "fear of insignificance"
A generation ago young people aspired to become lawyers and doctors. Now they yearn to be the next Oscar winner or celebrity pop star. But one university psychologist has warned this iswreaking havoc with our self-image and undermining our sense of self-worth. Over recent years people around the world have been suffering from an increasing fear of their own 'insignificance', according to Dr Carlo Strenger of Tel Aviv University.
He began an interdisciplinary project on the phenomenon 10 years ago, after noticing a surge of this fear in his own patients. His findings, presented in a new book, notes hundreds of research projects that have charted an unprecedented increase in levels of anxiety and depression. By using a wide-ranging framework Dr Strenger thinks he has pinpointed the cause. "The impact of the globalinfotainment network on the individual is to blame," he said.
"A new species is born: homo globalis - global man - and we are defined by our intimate connection to the global infotainment network, which has turned ranking and rating people on scales of wealth and celebrity into an obsession." As humans we naturally measure ourselves to those around us, but now we live in a "global village" we are comparing ourselves with the most "significant" people in the world - and finding ourselves wanting.
"一個新物種-世界人-誕生了。作為這一新物種,我們的身份貴賤取決於我們與全球資訊娛樂網路的關係親疏。在網路的影響下,按財富和知名度給人們劃分等級,讓我們耽溺於其中。" 史春格博士說,人類很自然而然地會和身邊的人做比較。但住在"地球村",我們比較的對象是全世界最受關注的人,對比之下就發現了自己的不足。
Today, even high achievers constantly fear that they are insignificant when they compare themselves to success stories in the media "This creates highly unstable self-esteem and an unstable society," Dr Strenger said. Instead, Dr Strenger says people should stop measuring their achievement through cultural fantasies of riches and celebrity, which cannot lead to fulfillment.
如今,即使是那些成就卓越的人也會經常覺得自己跟媒體描述的成功人士比起來顯得渺小,史春格博士說,“這種渺小的感覺導致了極度脆弱的自尊和不穩定的社會。” 史春格博士認為,人們不應該用那些富豪和名人的文化傳奇作基準來衡量自己的成就,這種比較並不會帶來成就感。
The remedy is a process that he calls "active self-acceptance" through a sustained quest for self-knowledge through life. The fear of insignificance can only be overcome through strong individual and cultural identity over and above measurable achievement. He believes that people need to invest as much time in developing their worldviews as their careers.
"Stable meaning cannot be found in cheap paperbacks. People should invest time and thought to their worldviews and self-understanding in the same way they invest in medical studies and law school," Dr Strenger advises.