A premature baby girl declared stillborn by doctors in Mumbai "came to life" several hours later as the relatives were carrying her to a cemetery to be buried.
The baby was born two months early after her mother, Aruna Gaikwad, was taken to hospital suffering from convulsions and high blood pressure.
Mrs Gaikwad was being treated for hypertension at the Lokmanya Tilak municipal general hospital when staff were forced to induce her labour.
Some of the nurses present at the birth, on Monday, reportedly claimed the child had a very faint heartbeat but the doctor on duty, who has been suspended while an inquiry is carried out, declared her to be dead and signed a death certificate.
Several hours later, relatives were taking the body to be buried when the baby made a gurgling noise.
Officials believe that the baby was affected by drugs given to her mother, suppressing her heartbeat and that once the effect of those wore off she "came alive".
stillborn:死產的。例句:Her second child was stillborn.(她第二胎孩子生下時就是死的。)
induce:引誘,這裡是「用人工方法催生」的意思。例句:Nothing in the world would induce me to do that.(什麼也不能引誘我做那種事。)
wear off:逐漸消逝。例句:Most patients find that the numbness from the injection wears off after about an hour.(多數病患發現,大約一小時後注射造成的麻木感會漸漸散去。)
文章出處 :http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/article