文章出處:<a href="http://iservice.libertytimes.com.tw/Service/english/">自由時報電子報中英對照新聞
Man in wheelchair charged with drink-driving
Police in Australia have charged a man for drink driving in a motorised wheelchair after he was found to be six times over the legal alcohol limit, local media reported last week.
Police in the tropical northern Queensland city of Cairns said the man had a blood alcohol reading of 0.31, and was so drunk he was asleep at the controls of his motorised wheelchair in a turning lane of a major highway.
"It beggars belief," Police Inspector Bob Walters told the Cairns Post newspaper, adding wheelchairs, bicycles, horses and skateboards were all considered to be vehicles under the state’s road laws.
"It’s unlawful, it is unacceptable and people should realise it could lead to a fatality," he said.
Other motorists on the four-lane highway had to swerve to avoid the wheelchair, police said.
It beggars belief:成語,指令人難以置信。例句:It beggars belief that so much money can be spent on the project.(很難相信這項計畫竟然可以花費這麼多錢。)beggar是乞丐之意,當動詞有使貧窮,使不能(使無力)之意。例句:The scenery beggars description.(風景之美非筆墨所能形容)。
fatality:名詞,死亡者、死亡事故。例句:The accident caused several fatalities.(這起事故造成數人死亡。)
swerve:動詞,突然偏離方向。例句:The car swerved sharply to avoid hitting a bycycle.(汽車突然急轉彎,以免和腳踏車相撞。)
文章出處:<a href="http://iservice.libertytimes.com.tw/Service/english/">自由時報電子報中英對照新聞