
When you get to the rainforest, you start hiking. Everything is green and beautiful, and you hear birds and buzzing insects. After walking for an hour, you see an amazing red frog. You stop to take a picture, but when you look up, you don't see your group anywhere. Calling out, you go in search of them, but with no luck. Eventually, you find a place to rest, but all your water is gone. You can survive without food, but not water. Then, the sound of running water hits your ears. Luckily, your OKO filter can clean the dirtiest water and make it drinkable. The next day, your group finds you. Thanks to your OKO filter, you are still strong enough to continue your adventure.

當你抵達雨林時,你開始健行。周遭景物翠綠而美好,你聽到鳥叫聲和嗡嗡的蟲鳴聲。走了一小時後,你看到令人驚訝的紅蛙。你停下來拍張照片,但抬頭一看,到處都找不到團員。你大聲呼喊並四處尋找其他人,但運氣實在不好。最後,你找到一個地方休息,但帶來的水都喝光了。沒有食物還可以存活,但沒有水就完了。這時,你突然聽到流水聲。幸運的是,你的OKO過濾器可以清潔最髒的水並把它變得可以飲用。隔 天,你的團員找到了你。多虧你的 OKO 過濾器,你仍然有充足的體力可以繼續這趟冒險。


文章出處:<a href="">自由時報電子報中英對照新聞


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