[[國發會主委 管中閔]]
[[台灣經濟研究院顧問 陳博志]]
Development Minister Kuan Chung-ming said today that the rise in Taiwan’s consumer price index last year was much lower than increases in neighboring countries. But his comments were seized by critics who argued even small rises in CPI represent a decrease in standard of living due to Taiwan’s stagnant wages.
Kuan Chung-ming appeared at the Legislature today where he made the following comments about Taiwan’s consumer price index.
Kuan Chung-ming
Development Minister
Our CPI was stable, which is actually quite rare in Asia. Many people pay attention to consumer prices, especially food products such as fruits and meat.
The National Development Council’s most recent report indicates that last year’s CPI rose just 0.79 percent, below rises in the United States, Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Former development minister Chen Po-chih mentioned a problem with only looking at CPI.
Chen Po-chih
TIER Consultant
Salaries have not increased, so a 2 percent rise in the CPI is equal to a 2 percent fall in standard of living. But to many officials, the rise in CPI is just a number.
According to the government’s official statistics bureau, the CPI adjusted average monthly per capita wage was NT$44,739 in 2013. That represents a decrease of NT$59 from 15 years ago.