



[[關廠工人義務律師 曾威凱]]


[[行政院長 江宜樺]]
“還沒有興訟之前,就已經償還這一些借貸的勞工,這些金額究竟是不是要一併償還,這件事情,我會請勞動部潘主委(部長) ,他們好好研究一下”


The Ministry of Labor’s decision to respect a ruling that money provided to laborers affected by a plant closure in 1997 does not need to be repaid ends this battle for some. But the ministry has not offered to compensate 480 workers who paid back this money in good faith before the threat of a lawsuit loomed. They now want the same treatment as their former colleagues.

After Taipei High Administrative Court ruled in favor of workers who lost their jobs when their factory closed, the Ministry of Labor withdrew suits against these workers. It will no longer seek repayment of money given to the workers and it promised to refund some workers who already repaid the funds. But problems remain.

The ministry has only said it will repay workers who paid up after lawsuits were launched. Another 480 workers who made earlier repayments are not included.

Tseng Wei-kai
Lawyer Representing Workers
It’s the same situation. You cannot distinguish cases from before (the lawsuit) and cases from after. If the judge rules that this is compensation and not borrowed money, they should be treated equally.

Premier Jiang Yi-huah appeared at the Legislature to take questions today. He said he would ask the ministry to research the situation.

Jiang Yi-huah
I will ask Labor Minister Pan to research whether laborers who repaid loans prior to the Hsing Lee Paper Co. litigation should be included in the reimbursement plan.

Labor Minister Pan Shih-wei agreed. He also remained committed to his ministry’s stance that the original payments given to the workers were loans and collection of repayment did not unjustly benefit the government.

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