Japanese animation master to accept honorary Oscar 日本動畫大師領取榮譽奧斯卡獎 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 Hayao Miyazaki is retiring from feature filmmaking, but the 73-year-old writer, director and animator says he’ll make movies for the rest of his life. 73歲的作家、導演與動畫師宮崎駿將不再拍攝劇情長片,但說他餘生還是會致力拍電影。 An Oscar winner for his 2002 film, "Spirited Away," Miyazaki will accept an honorary Academy Award on Saturday at the film academy’s Governors Awards. 2002年時以「神隱少女」一片拿下奧斯卡獎的宮崎駿,將在週六領取美國影藝學院頒發的奧斯卡榮譽獎項「主席獎」。 "It’s an honor to receive this award," Miyazaki said through a translator, adding that he’s not looking forward to the trip to the United States from his native Japan. "It’s going to be a bit of a bothersome thing for me to travel." What he prefers to do is draw, write and tell stories, though doing so in a feature-length format has become physically challenging, he said. 「獲頒此獎深感榮幸,」宮崎駿透過翻譯表示,並補充道,他並不期待從日本來到美國的這趟旅行。「旅行對我來說變得有點麻煩。」他說,他寧可把時間花在畫畫、寫作與說故事上,儘管在劇情長片的形式下這麼做,對他的體力是一大挑戰。 "It became very difficult for me to concentrate for such a long time that it takes to make a whole film, to concentrate that much,’’ he said. "I loved making feature-length films to be shown in theaters and making animation films, and my thought was to hand that over to the next generation." (AP) 「我愈來愈難在製作一整部片子的這類長時間中專心一致,」他說。「我喜歡製作能在戲院上映的劇情長片與製作動畫片,我的想法是要把這些留給下一代。」(美聯社) |