American Woman Follows God to Africa

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自

In late 2006, Katie Davis made a trip that would change her life. As an 18-year-old, Davis decided to travel to Uganda. The next year, the young American woman returned to the East African country. The second time, she was more than just a tourist because she taught kindergarten at an orphanage. During that time, Davis became very aware of the incredible poverty in the country.
Davis learned that many families could not afford to send their kids to school in Uganda because they did not have the money for the tuition fees. A deeply religious person, Davis felt that God wanted her to help the Ugandan children. As a result , she chose to begin a program that encourages people all over the world to give money to help the African children. Her program now provides education and three hot meals a day for more than 600 children. Davis has also adopted 13 girls and written a popular book, Kisses from Katie, about her experience.
凱蒂•戴維斯在 2006 年末去了一趟旅行因而改變她的人生。十八歲時,凱蒂決定要到烏干達旅行。隔年,這位年輕的美國女子返回東非。第二次來訪時,凱蒂不只是一名觀光客,因為她在孤兒院中教幼稚園兒童。在那段期間,凱蒂非常瞭解這個國家令人難以相信的貧窮狀況。
凱蒂知道許多烏干達的家庭負擔不起送小孩上學,因為他們沒有錢支付學費。凱蒂信仰非常虔誠,她覺得上帝希望她能幫助烏干達的小孩。因此,她選擇開展一個計劃來鼓勵全球人士捐錢幫助非洲兒童。現在,她的這項計劃提供六百多名兒童受教育和一天熱騰騰的三餐。凱蒂也領養了十三位女孩並寫了一本有關她人生經歷的暢銷書 ──《凱蒂之愛》。 

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