


Nuptial love makes mankind; friendly love perfects it; but wanton love corrupts and debases it.”

– Francis Bacon, Philosopher

「婚姻之愛創造人類,友誼之愛使其完美,但不負責的愛腐蝕並使人類墮落。」法蘭西斯‧培根 (哲學家)

nuptial (adj.) 婚姻的。例:nuptial promises (婚姻承諾)wanton (adj.) 惡意的,無節制的。例:The rebels showed a wanton disregard for human lives. (叛軍草管人命的展現。)

法蘭西斯‧培根 (1561-1626) 是英國散文作家、哲學家、科學家、政治家,曾經擔任英國檢查長及大法官;然而,他的哲學理念及科學研究方法對後世的影響更大,被稱為科學研究方法 (scientific method) 的創始人。

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Angkor Wat has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1992. Nowadays, it sees hundreds of thousands of visitors every year coming through. All these visitors mean that it is a challenge to maintain this unique historic site. So far, however, the only damage has been some minor graffiti, but there have been some structures added for protection and tourist safety. At one point, bacteria from tourists’ hands were starting to damage the stone of the ruins, so guests are asked not to touch any of the buildings. Between UNESCO and the Cambodian government, the monument has been protected remarkably well. It looks like this unique place will remain popular for generations to come.

1992 年,吳哥窟被列入聯合國教科文組織的世界文化遺產。今日,每年有數十萬的觀光客前來拜訪。所有這些觀光客的人數意味著要維護這個獨特的歷史遺址是一項挑戰。然而,至今唯一造成的破壞是一些微不足道的塗鴉,不過為了保護古蹟和遊客安全已加蓋一些建築。遊客手上的細菌曾經一度開始侵蝕廢墟的石頭表面,因此現在禁止遊客觸摸任何建築。在聯合國教科文組織和柬埔寨政府的聯合努力下,遺址被保護得相當好。看起來這獨特的地方將能世代流傳下去。 

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On April 21 of 2015, Taiwanese model and entertainer, Peng Hsin-yi, committed suicide in her Taichung apartment. Peng, who went by the stage name Cindy Yang, left behind a note blaming her co-workers and Internet bullies for her decision.
Peng’s death is just another reminder of how dangerous social media can be. While websites like Facebook and Twitter can bring people together, they can also be a place for nasty comments to be posted anonymously. In the case of Peng, posts from the fan page Kao Bei Bloggers regularly attacked Peng over her appearance. Fans and family of Peng have gone public to speak out against cyberbullying by criticizing the actions of those who leave hurtful messages over the Internet.

2015 年四月二十一日,台灣模特兒兼藝人彭馨逸在她台中的公寓裡自殺。彭馨逸以楊又穎 Cindy 為藝名,她留下一張紙條將她決定自殺的原因歸咎於她的同事和網路霸凌。

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“Courage, as you might know, defines all other human behavior, and I believe – because I’ve done a little of this myself – pretending to be courageous is just as good as the real thing.”

– David Letterman, Talk Show Host

「勇氣,你應該知道,定義人類所有的行為,而我相信因為我自己也嘗試了一點假裝勇敢和真的勇敢效果一樣。」– 大衛·賴特曼 (脫口秀主持人)



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In the game of Jenga, players start with a wooden tower of blocks. The blocks, 54 in all, are piled up in 18 levels consisting of three blocks each. Each level sits across from the one below. Then, the players take turns pulling pieces out. After sliding out a block, players must carefully place it on top. As the game continues, the tower becomes more and more unstable until it finally crashes. Whoever knocks down the tower loses the game.
The game dates back to the early 1970s in Ghana, where inventor Leslie Scott played a variation of it using wooden building blocks. She launched the game at the London Toy Fair in 1983, and since then about 50 million games have been sold. The tallest tower ever built was said to be more than 40 levels high. So grab your Jenga blocks and watch gravity win every time.


疊疊樂可回溯至七年代早期的迦納,創始人萊絲莉史考特玩出五花八門堆積木的方式。1983 年,她在倫敦玩具博覽會推出這款遊戲,從那時起大約賣出五千萬組遊戲。疊疊樂堆過最高的積木塔據說四十多層高。所以抓起你的疊疊樂積木,看看地心引力每回必勝吧! 

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