

“It is either easy or impossible.”

— Salvador Dali, Artist

「一件事不是容易就是不可能。」– 薩爾瓦多達利 (藝術家)

薩爾瓦多達利 (1904-1989) 是西班牙超現實主義畫家,與畢卡索和馬蒂斯一同被認為是 20 世紀最有代表性的 3 位藝術家,其畫風給人驚豔觸目驚心的感覺,並涉足電影、雕塑和攝影藝術,最知名的作品是 1931 年完成的《記憶的永恆》。

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The Rhino Rescue Project has an out-of-the-box solution to this out-of-control problem. They put dye into rhinos' horns, which makes them useless for medicine or decorations. This dye does not hurt the rhinos in any way and lasts up to four years, or one full growth cycle of the horns. Also, the Rhino Rescue Project puts microchips in the horns. This way, they know where the rhinos are and what happens to their horns.


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“In every adversity there lies the seed of an equivalent advantage. In every defeat is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time.”

— Robert Collier, Author

「每個逆境都有一粒種子,藏著對等的有利條件;每個挫敗都有一個教訓,教你下次如何取得勝利。」– 羅伯特.柯里爾 (作家)

equivalent (adj.) 對等的,等值的。

羅伯特.柯里爾 (1885-1950) 是美國勵志作家,新思想運動 (New Thought movement) 的代表人物之一,其著作 The Secret of the Ages (世代的祕密) 在其生前銷售超過 30 萬冊。

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When an ambulance is rushing in and out of traffic with its sirens screaming and lights flashing, it is best to get out of the way. Driving and riding in these vehicles are paramedics, health-care experts whose main jobs are getting injured people to and from hospitals. Paramedics are usually the first people who arrive on the scene of an emergency to check out the situation and get it under control.


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“It is not good enough for things to be planned – they still have to be done; for the intention to become a reality, energy has to be launched into operation.”

— Walt Kelly, Animator

「光是計劃還不夠 – 它還得被執行;為讓意念成為事實,能量需要被啟動進入運轉。」– 華特凱利 (動畫家)

華特凱利 (1913-1973) 是美國插畫家,早年在迪士尼工作,參與《木偶奇遇記》、《幻想曲》及《小飛象》的製作,他接著投入漫畫出版業,透過連載漫畫 Pogo 表達他的政治及人生觀。

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