《中英對照讀新聞》Jobless rate hits 19-year high in April-南韓4月份失業率創19年來新高

According to job figures released by Statistics Korea, the total number of jobless people surpassed 1.24 million as of April for the first time since the government started compiling the data in June 1999.


The jobless rate stood at 4.4 percent, up 0.3 percentage point from a year earlier and marking the highest for any April since 2000, when Asia’s fourth-largest economy was reeling under the aftermaths of the Asian Financial Crisis.


The latest jobless rate was partly attributable to the increased number of applicants to take the civil servant test. About 380,000 took the test in April this year, while 200,000 had applied in March last year. Taking the heaviest blow from the sluggish employment trend was the retail and wholesale sector, which lost 76,000 positions in April.



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《中英對照讀新聞》British radio host fired for racist tweet comparing Archie Harrison to a chimp 英國廣播節目主持人 因為把亞契.哈里遜比做黑猩猩的種族歧視推文而丟差

A BBC radio broadcaster was fired Thursday after posting a picture of a baby chimpanzee when tweeting about the birth of the Duke and Duchesses of Sussex’s son Archie Harrison.


Danny Baker, who until Thursday morning was a broadcaster for BBC’s 5Live, was accused of making fun of Meghan’s mixed-race heritage.


Baker tweeted the offending image shortly after Prince Harry and Meghan presented Baby Archie to the world in his first photocall.


His original tweet, since deleted, showed a black-and-white photo of a couple, with the woman holding hands with a young chimpanzee wearing a hat and a jacket.


The caption read: “Royal baby leaves hospital.”

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《中英對照讀新聞》Can Japan end its love affair with plastic?-日本人對塑膠品的愛好有可能停止嗎?

From bento boxes to individually wrapped bananas, plastic reigns supreme in Japan. According to the UN, Japan generates more plastic packaging waste per capita than any other country except the United States.


Therefore, in 2018, Japan’s government unveiled a proposal with the goal of reducing the country’s 9.4 million tonnes of plastic waste a year by 25 percent by 2030. A key part of the proposal is to require businesses to charge for plastic bags.


However, the proposals so far still lack any specific measures on limiting other types of single-use plastic waste, such as straws or cups. With the national government moving slowly, local governments and businesses have in some cases taken up the mantle themselves.


While public awareness about plastic pollution is growing in Japan, the country’s famed waste sorting and pristine streets had the effect of "hiding" the scale of the problem. The Japanese government needs more ambitious goals.(AFP)



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《中英對照讀新聞》Destructive pest could spread to all of China’s grain production in 12 months 毀滅性害蟲恐在12個月內蔓延到中國所有糧食產區

The devastating armyworm pest has already spread to more than 8,500 hectares of China’s grain production and could soon affect the country’s entire crop, a new US government report said.


The voracious, inch-long fall armyworm, the larval form of the armyworm moth, can breed rapidly, spread great distances and is hugely difficult to eradicate.


It has a large impact on a wide range of crops, including important Chinese staples such as rice, soybeans and corn. According to the US report, it may have already spread to a range of southern Chinese provinces including Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hunan and Hainan.


The new pest comes as the Chinese government faces a number of daunting agricultural challenges. Every province in the country has now been affected by African swine fever virus, which is devastating the pork industry.


英倫翻譯社 轉自https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1288793

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《中英對照讀新聞》Singapore passes controversial fake news law-新加坡通過爭議的假新聞法

Singapore has passed a controversial anti-fake news law that gives authorities sweeping powers to police online platforms and private chat groups.


The Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation bill was passed by lawmakers on Wednesday and will come into force in the next few weeks. The government can now order platforms to remove what it deems to be false statements that are "against the public interest", and to post corrections.


A person found guilty of doing this in Singapore could be fined heavily and/or jailed for up to five years. It also bans the use of fake accounts or bots to spread fake news - this carries penalties of up to S$1m and a jail term of up to 10 years.


But critics say it poses a serious threat to civil liberties. One main criticism is that the law is phrased too broadly and gives ministers too much power to decide what is true or false.



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