


“If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there – you must go beyond them.”

– Bruce Lee, Martial Artist

「如果你為所做的每件事設限,在肢體或其它任何方面,限制將擴展至你的工作及人生。沒有所謂的極限,只有高原,你不能待在那裡你必須超越它。」李小龍 (武術家)

李小龍 (1940-1973) 出生香港, 18 歲移居美國,最初學習詠春拳,後來創造了截拳道。他在美國教授武術而輾轉進入演藝圈,成為史上最有影響力的武術家之一,以及 20 世紀流行文化的重要標誌。

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      “A negative mind will never find success. I have never heard a positive idea come from a person in a negative state.”

– Jay Samit, CEO

「持負面心態的人絕不會成功,我從沒聽過一個正面見解是出自持負面思維的人。」 杰伊薩米特 (執行長)

杰伊薩米特 (1961- ) 是美國多螢產品公司 SeaChange International 總裁,他是數位媒體的創新者,在音樂及視訊的傳播、社群媒體與電子商務的推廣,可謂產業中的先驅。


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The first musical machines came from Iraq in the 9th century and were powered by water. Starting in the 16th century, European clockmakers figured out how to make other machines that could play music by themselves, even without water. These machines developed over the centuries to become smaller and more complex. The first music boxes went into production in 1811 in Sainte-Croix, Switzerland. These music boxes were so popular that making them made up 10 percent of Switzerland's economy at the time.
The production of music boxes was at their height in the late 1800s, when many kinds of mechanical toys were popular. Unfortunately, by World War I the music box industry had fallen apart. The war made music boxes an expensive luxury. Also, the invention of the phonograph made music boxes out-of-date.

第一個音樂機械來自於九世紀的伊拉克,以水為動力。歐洲鐘錶匠於十六世紀想出如何做出甚至無需利用水力也能自動播放音樂的機械。幾世紀的發展使這些機械已變得更小更精密。1811 年,第一個音樂盒在瑞士的聖科瓦鎮開始生產。這些音樂盒很受歡迎,所以生產音樂盒當時曾占了瑞士經濟的百分之十。

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In November of 2011, NASA launched its newest rover named Curiosity to explore the surface of Mars. Recently, Curiosity 's instruments detected methane gas in the Martian atmosphere. The presence of methane is significant because it may indicate that some form of life exists on the red planet. While the rover's findings are not certain, it does open the possibility that Earth may not be the only planet with life on it. The discoveries that NASA is making today are important, but not nearly as impressive as what lies ahead.
The space agency has a few more projects that, if realized, will bring us a bit closer into the world of science fiction. First among these missions is a proposed plan to build solar-powered airships that would float high up in the atmosphere of Venus.

 2011 年十一月,NASA 發射了名為「好奇者號」的最新探測車去探索火星表面。最近,「好奇者號」的儀器在火星的大氣層中探測到了甲烷氣。甲烷的存在是很重要的,因為這可能表示這顆紅色行星上有某種生命形態存在。雖然探測車的發現不是很明確,但這的確顯示了地球也許並非是唯一有生命存在之行星的可能性。NASA 目前的發現很重要,但是跟未來要進行的計畫相較之下就有點失色了。


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“Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.”

– Arthur Ashe, Tennis Player

「成功是一個旅程,不是終點,所做的事比結果還重要。」亞瑟‧艾許 (網球選手)

亞瑟‧艾許 (1943-1993) 為史上最傑出的網球選手之一,他是第一位獲得澳洲公開賽、溫布頓網球錦標賽、及美國公開賽單人頭銜的黑人選手。


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