

Disney’s classic animated feature, Sleeping Beauty, was first released this month in 1959. After the commercial success of Cinderella, which came out in 1950, directors Les Clark and Eric Larson and writers Joe Rinaldi and Winston Hibler began working on another animated film. In 1951, writers began working with animators to create a story where good won over evil and love conquered all. The end result was a creative retelling of the Brothers Grimm’s Little Briar Rose, first printed in 1528, under the new name of Sleeping Beauty.

迪士尼經典動畫長片《睡美人》,在 1959 年一月首度發行。自從 1950 年上映的《灰姑娘》獲得商業上的成功後,導演萊斯•克拉克和艾瑞克•拉森及編劇喬•里納迪和溫斯頓•希伯勒便接著著手製作另一部動畫片。1951 年時,編劇們開始與動畫家攜手打造出一部以正義打敗邪惡、用愛克服一切的故事。最後的結果就是將格林兄弟所作、在 1528 年首次出版的《玫瑰公主》以《睡美人》這個新名稱加入創意改寫而成。 

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In the mid-1960s, the students of Amherst College in Massachusetts developed a game that would represent the free-spirited attitude of the times. They created a simple game that did not have referees, but rather encouraged sportsmanship and fair play. The students combined the concepts of football, soccer, and basketball, but used a Frisbee instead of a ball for passing and scoring. Not long afterwards, this little game became Ultimate Frisbee.


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“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

— Simon Sinek, Inspirational Speaker

「如果你的行為鼓舞別人夢想更多、學習更多、行動更多及改變更多,你即是位領導者。」– 西蒙斯涅克 (勵志演說家)

西蒙斯涅克 (1973- ) 是英國人,其 TED 演講「偉大的領袖如何激勵行動」是觀看次數最高的影片之一,據他所發明的「黃金圈」法則,所有的成功領導者都是以核心理念- why 為出發點,再依 how、what 順序向外延伸。

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Superman first made the leap into theaters in a 15-part serial in 1948. Some might remember Christopher Reeve taking on the role of the Last Son of Krypton in the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s. However, 2013’s Man of Steel is the go-to Superman movie for most fans. In the movies, Superman’s origin story is played out, reintroducing the man from planet Krypton to a whole new generation of fans.


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Some might say comic books are for kids, but they open the door to worlds that capture the minds of young and old alike. It is not just the supernatural powers or the incredible storylines: the unforgettable characters draw readers in and keep them for a lifetime. One of the oldest names in the comics business is DC Comics. The company got its start in the mid-1930s when writer, businessman, and former military officer Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson decided to go into publishing.


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