

國外觀光客,來台灣必定報到的景點之一,就是故宮,不過, 近來水電雙漲、人事費用提高,故宮因此決定,7月開始調漲門票價格。

[[故宮院長 馮明珠]]



[[故宮院長 馮明珠]]


The National Palace Museum will soon introduce a two-tiered pricing system that will lead to significantly higher prices for foreigners compared to Taiwanese nationals. In July it plans to raise the price of general admission for foreigners from NT$160 to NT$250. Tickets for Taiwanese nationals will be lowered by NT$10 to NT$150. 

One of the most popular sites for tourists visiting Taiwan is the National Palace Museum. But soon, the museum won’t let foreign visitors in unless they fork over more in admission fees. The museum blames higher utility and staffing fees for the increase in ticket prices beginning in July.

Feng Ming-chu
National Palace Museum Director
At first we set group tickets at NT$100 per person, but this was too low. Many legislators requested that fees for foreign tour groups be in line with international standards. 

Rather than also charge Taiwanese more, the museum decided to lower their ticket fees from NT$160 to NT$150. Foreign tourists will see single ticket prices increase from NT$160 to NT$250. Group tickets for foreign tourists will rise from NT$100 to NT$230.

Lawmakers also repeated comments made by former Vice President Vincent Siew in a speech on Sunday. Siew said the crowds at the museum resembled local vegetable markets in terms of chaos and cleanliness. The comments upset the museum director.

Feng Ming-chu
National Palace Museum Director
I admit that there are many people, but the National Palace Museum is not dirty. This comment I reject.

Last year there were more than 4.5 million visits to the museum.


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