A butterfly’s ability to absorb or reflect heat from the sun with its wings could be a matter of life and death in a warming world, according to British research published Thursday calling for gardens, parks and farms to host shady, cooling-off spots.

根據英國研究機構週四發布的研究報告,由於全球日益暖化,蝴蝶翅膀吸收與反射太陽熱能的能力,可能攸關該物種的生死存亡, 呼籲花園、公園與農場設置遮陽、降溫設施。

While all butterflies are ectotherms - they cannot generate their own body heat - the ability to regulate temperature varies significantly, researchers said.


The study found that bigger, pale-coloured butterflies, like the Large White or Brimstone species, are better at thermoregulation because they can angle their wings to reflect the sun’s heat either away from them or onto their bodies to attain the right temperature.

研究發現,體型較大、淺白色的蝴蝶,像是歐洲粉蝶(Large White)或是鉤粉蝶(Brimstone),比較能夠調節體溫,因為牠們能調整翅膀的角度,反射或吸收太陽的熱量,以調節合適體溫。



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In just 50 years, 2 billion to 3.5 billion people will be living in a climate that historically has been too hot to handle.


Under the worst-case scenarios, the study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences predicts about 3.5 billion people will live in extremely hot areas. That’s a third of the projected 2070 population.


In an unusual way to look at climate change, a team of international scientists studied humans like they do bears, birds and bees to find the "climate niche" where people and civilizations flourish.


They looked back 6,000 years to come up with a sweet spot of temperatures for humanity:Average annual temperatures between 11 to 15 degrees Celsius.(AP)




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A pungent smell hangs in the early morning air as researchers collect samples of sewage dumped into a river in Nepal - a cost-effective way to trace the coronavirus spread for the resource-strapped Himalayan nation.


"When you are limited in the resources that are available for testing and screening, this is a quick and easy way - and a cheaper way - of finding hotspots," said Dibesh Karmacharya, who co-founded Center for Molecular Dynamics Nepal, the NGO leading the research.


With some cases asymptomatic, the community-wide nature of the testing, rather than at an individual level, could help pick up the disease in places where it may not appear to be present. (AFP)




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It looked like a scene from science fiction. Emerging from United States Air Force planes, four-legged robot dogs scampered onto an airfield in the Mojave Desert, offering a possible preview into the future of warfare.


Flying into a possibly hostile airstrip aboard an Air Force C-130, the robot dogs were sent outside the aircraft to scout for threats before the humans inside would be exposed to them, according to an Air Force news release dated September 3.


The electronic canines are just one link in what the US military calls the Advanced Battle Management System(ABMS). It uses artificial intelligence and rapid data analytics to detect and counter threats to US military assets in space and possible attacks on the US homeland with missiles.




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New York City diners may soon see a Covid-19 surcharge on their bills as the restaurant industry continues to hobble due to the coronavirus pandemic.


The New York City Council passed a bill on Wednesday 46-2 that would allow restaurants to charge as much as 10% on customers dining indoors or outdoors to help cover Covid-19 expenses.


Labeled the "COVID-19 Recovery Charge," the surcharge does not add to the bill’s overall tax, nor applies to delivery or takeout orders. A restaurant implementing the surcharge is free to use the new funds however it likes, though it must also make it clear that the surcharge is not a substitute for a tip or gratuity for waitstaff.




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